

Whereas: Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, was introduced to the general public in 1992 by Mr. Li Hongzhi; and

Whereas: Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance are the principles of Falun Dafa and by living in accordance with these one can strive to improve their moral nature; and

Whereas: This practice has overcome both cultural and natural barriers and has touched people all around the world; and

Whereas; By developing these values people can truly make a difference in their lives; and

Whereas: The practitioners of Falun Dafa are to be commended in their endeavors to promote a more compassionate society; and

NOW THEREFORE, I, Michael J. Sullivan; Mayor of the City of Lawrence, by the power vested in me, do hereby proclaim May 13, 2002 as

"World Falun Dafa Day"

And call upon all citizens, government agencies, public and private institutions, businesses and schools in the City of Lawrence to join me in commending and celebrating this wonderful event.

In Witness Whereof, I hereby set my hand and cause the seal of the City of Lawrence to be affixed this 6th day of April in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and two.



Michael J. Sullivan. Mayor

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