Truthfulness, compassion and forbearance are the principle on which Falun Dafa is based, but they are also universal ideals that have special importance here in Canada. Ours is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world, and we must cultivate openness, good will and tolerance if we are to live together in harmony.
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(Clearwisdom.net) Sun Jianhua was a 34-year-old male practitioner. After July 20, 1999 [when the Chinese government began the campaign to suppress Falun Gong], he was arrested ...

Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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