(Clearwisdom.net) On Sunday, June 9, 2002, World Environment Day, a number of Southeast Queensland practitioners joined together to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises, hand out truth-clarification materials, share the story of Falun Dafa and expose the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. This annual event has been taking place on the Sunshine Coast for more than 20 years and always draws thousands of people.

Sending forth righteous thoughts every half hour
Responding to the call for practitioners to increase the frequency of sending forth righteous thoughts, a continuous 20-minute demonstration of Falun Gong exercises followed by sending forth righteous thoughts on the hour and half hour occurred throughout the day. This had a powerful impact on the crowds of people and drew many to our displays. We often heard comments about the peacefulness people felt as they passed by.

Crowds of people drawn to learn more about Falun Dafa
Hundreds of people stopped by to watch the exercise demonstration, browse our displays, ask questions and share opinions with us. They obtained a better understanding of why we practise Falun Dafa and why the practice has been oppressed only in China. Many local people asked where they could learn the exercises.
The area director of Greenpeace stopped by and chatted with practitioners at length about Falun Dafa and the brutal suppression in China. She has been following the related news closely and was very supportive to the practitioners.

Children following exercises
A number of children were so fascinated by the exercises that they delightfully tried to imitate the movements. Two young boys, in particular, asked where they could learn the exercises. Through conversation, one of the boys said that they were currently studying the issue of human rights at school. So a practitioner provided him with Falun Dafa websites and told him that we were willing to give a presentation to his class on the persecution of practitioners in China and the corresponding violation of their basic human rights.
On both Saturday and Sunday evenings, many practitioners joined together from 7:00pm to 2:00am to study the Fa, share understandings and experiences, and send forth righteous thoughts. This had a powerful impact on each of us as we joined together as one body to eliminate the evil in other dimensions.
Category: Parades & Other Community Events