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The Northwest Branch of China's Railway Bureau Has Persecuted Falun Dafa Practitioners During the Past Three Years

Aug. 18, 2002


In 1994, The Lanzhou Maintenance Section of Lanzhou Railway Branch welcomed Falun Dafa. The Falun Gong practitioners at that practice site had rapidly improved their health and upgraded their moral standards due to Falun Dafa's marvelous healing efficacy and profound teachings that guide people towards genuine cultivation of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. Almost every employee knew that "Falun Gong is a good practice that benefits the country and the people. All Falun Gong practitioners are good people." Many middle and high-ranking executives, including their family members, began to read the books and to learn the exercises of Falun Gong.

However, Jiang, out of his personal interests, launched the brutal persecution of Falun Gong and its practitioners on July 20, 1999, regardless of the good will of millions of Falun Dafa practitioners and kind people across the country yearning for Buddha Law and the truth. Sun Bingzhou and Gao Yanbin, the Party secretary and the director of West Lanzhou Maintenance Section respectively, chose to follow Jiang's directives in persecuting Falun Gong, even though they clearly knew that Falun Gong had benefited the employees. The decision of Sun Bingzhou and Gao Yanbin to persecute Falun Gong was based on political pressure, a desire for power and a selfish desire to fulfill other personal interests.

In fact, Sun Bingzhou instructed Tang Deyao, the Vice Party secretary, Chang Guohua, and Liu Jichun, director of the security section, to force approximately 60 Falun Gong practitioners in the work unit to write a so-called "statement of guarantee", "statement of repentance" by means of deceiving and threatening with loss of jobs. They persecuted four practitioners who appealed for Falun Dafa and who insisted on their belief of Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. During the past three years, they, including Guo Guangxian (director of Section One of Lanzhou Railway Public Security Branch Bureau) have illegally detained the four practitioners on more than ten occasions. They made up false documents and sent practitioners Niu Wangjiang, Chen Guangrui and Su Lanzhou to the Pingantai Forced Labor Camp against their will for further persecution, regardless of the fact that these three practitioners' wives and children had no income. In order to keep their official posts, Sun Bingzhou, Tang Deyao and Chang Guohua bribed the policemen from Section One of Lanzhou Railway Public Security Branch Bureau, in an attempt to get them to send Liu Xueliang to the Pingantai Forced Labor Camp, but their efforts were in vain.

When Niu Wanjiang, Chen Guangrui and Su Lanzhou came back from the forced labor camp after completing their terms, Sun Bingzhou and his accomplices laid them off right away. In addition, the thugs continued to threaten, deceive and harass these practitioners during the holidays. On June 13, 2002, under the instruction of "610 Office," Sun, Tang and Chang ordered security guards Liu Jichun, Han Rong and Shang Min to monitor practitioner Su Lanzhou for an entire evening. Then on the following day, they abducted Su Lanzhou at 6:00 a.m. The security guards illegally broke into and searched Su Lanzhou's home. Due to the terror and pressure, Su Lanzhou's wife, Gen Cuifang, jumped off the building from the 6th floor. Worst of all, when Gen Cuifang suffered from her injuries from the jump, Guo Guangbao and other policemen did not make any efforts to save her life and prevented her neighbors from intervening. After eight hours of exposure under the scorching sun and in pain, Gen Cuifang died. However, Guo Guangbao took the opportunity to plunder her personal savings account holding over 10,000 yuan, her salary account, gold and silver jewelry, and other personal belongings. The neighbors were filled with indignation as they witnessed this robbery.

Later on, Xu, vice governor of the province, faxed an order that "West Lanzhou Maintenance Section was to be in charge of the funeral arrangements." Therefore, Sun, Tang, Chang and Guo, including Liu Jichun, a security guard, threatened Su Lanzhou's family members, forcing them to pay 6000 yuan as funeral expenses. The family members were not allowed to talk about Falun Gong or attend the funeral. However, Sun Bingzhou and his accomplices wined and dined themselves in an extravagant manner, using the money they extorted.

Heaven's laws are made manifest. Good is rewarded with good, and evil actions are met with evil returns, this is the cause and effect karmic principle. In late June, after the death of practitioner Gen Cuifang, a derailing accident occurred in the West Lanzhou Maintenance Section, causing a direct economic loss of up to ten million dollars. About six security accidents, big and small, occurred after that incident. In fact, these are only warnings to those who committed the brutal crimes of persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. It is Sun Bingzhou and his accomplices that led to the misfortune and loss to the state security, the work unit and themselves due to their evil actions.

To choose Truth-Compassion-Tolerance will bring a bright future for you and your family. Those who persecute Falun Dafa practitioners will never escape from the crimes they have committed and will forever be recorded in history.