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Summary of Other Articles and News - 08/15/2002

Aug. 18, 2002


Current issues and commentaries

A Mainland practitioner was forced into destitute homelessness to avoid being arrested; prior to being persecuted, he worked as a pressman. Recently, he wrote to the Hong Kong government:

Do not let Mainland's today become Hong Kong's tomorrow. When I went to the Chinese Central Bureau of Appeal in Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, I asked the policeman who arrested me, "If you do not allow people to appeal, then why do you hang the inscribed sign reading 'Bureau of Appeal?'" He replied, "We hung it to display to foreigners." Later, the board was removed, and presently, even foreigners are not allowed to see it. Now, let's look at Hong Kong: Did the Chinese government also claim that Hong Kong's system of government would remain intact for 50 years only to impress foreigners? While Falun Gong is being persecuted, the facade of "one country, two systems" is also being discarded. Therefore, please think carefully: Should you face the pressure from Beijing and truly govern Hong Kong in accordance with the law, allowing Hong Kong people to govern Hong Kong, upholding the "one country, two system" doctrine? Or should you to allow Hong Kong to politically become more like the Mainland? Please do not allow Mainland's today to become Hong Kong's tomorrow!

Worldwide, Concerns Have Been Raised Regarding Justice, Freedom and Human Rights in Hong Kong.

Dafa practitioners from Russia wrote to Hong the Kong public [prior to the wrongful conviction of the 16 practitioners who had legally appealed in front of the Chinese Liaison Office in Hong Kong on behalf of Falun Dafa]:

Hong Kong is now facing a historic decision. By reviewing the video footage taken on location during the incident, and by reviewing all related data, anyone can instantly discern right from wrong in all matters related to the trial and the obstruction charges. We call on all kind-hearted people and the entire society of Hong Kong to pay attention to this issue. We wish Hong Kong a wonderful future.

Appeal from overseas Chinese people in California [also prior to the conviction]:

Stop the political persecution, and return justice to Hong Kong. This false accusation against Falun Gong practitioners, supported by the Jiang regime, schemed by the Chinese Liaison Office in Hong Kong, and carried out by a few Hong Kong policemen and officials whose minds are muddled, is political persecution of kind-hearted people. This trial is a serious incident, an attempt to falsely convict kind and innocent people who follow the principle of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. This trial is also a serious threat to freedom and democracy for Hong Kong's people. This vicious accusation against righteousness has already evoked worldwide attention and strong disapproval from countries and people that cherish peacefulness and respect human rights.

Cultivation Stories

The following are some of my experiences of clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa. I work at an Internet bar, and it takes me about forty minutes to ride my bike to work every day. Usually, I use this as an opportunity to place one or two copies of truth-clarifying materials in different locations along the way. For example, when I see a car parked on the side of the road with its window open, I will put some materials in the car. When passing by the supermarket, I will go inside and walk around. After sending forth righteous thoughts to clean up the surrounding environment, I will put some materials in a market basket before I leave. When I see a public phone booth, I will stop by. While picking up the phone, I will send forth righteous thoughts and leave some materials in the booth, hoping that Teacher's Fashen will bring people with predestined relationships to the materials. Sometimes, I also clarify the truth to people directly by talking to them.

In these ways, I am able to clarify the truth of Falun Dafa on my way to work. I feel that as long as we have a heart for Dafa, there will be many good opportunities to clarify the truth at every moment. One time when I bought a Popsicle from an elderly street vendor, I told them, "Please remember Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa and you will have a wonderful future. Please keep 'Truth - Compassion - Tolerance' in your heart!"

News and Activities Around the World

According to an August 14 report from the Australian Radio program "Today's Topics," Australia would begin its human rights talks with the Chinese Government on that day. A speaker from the Australian Chapter of Amnesty International expressed concern over the talks since both its progress and outcome were kept secret. He also questioned the effectiveness of such talks. Ever since they began such talks in 1997, the human rights situation in China has been continually worsening, especially in regard to the persecution of Falun Gong.