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Latest News from China - 08/14/2002

Aug. 19, 2002


  1. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Persecution at Hewan Forced Labor Camp
  2. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Personnel at Ankang Hospital Inject Dafa Practitioners with Nerve-Damaging Substances
  3. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] On-going Persecution Against Dafa Practitioners in Tangshan City Textile College's Brainwashing Class
  4. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Chen Liwu
  5. [Huaiyang County, Henan Province] Arrest of Three Practitioners
  6. [Shanghai City] Kidnapping and Illegal Sentencing of Dafa Practitioner Cai Jun
  7. [Heifei City and Wuhu City, Anhui Province] Arrest of Multiple Dafa Practitioners
  8. [Shantou City, Guangdong City] One-Month Illegal Detention of Eight Dafa Practitioners

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Persecution at Hewan Forced Labor Camp

Lawless policemen at this camp include Ming Jianhua, Li Jing and Zhang Yi from No. 2 Team.

In protest of the persecution, Falun Gong practitioner Lei Dongsheng carried out a hunger strike and was thus force-fed for over 100 days by personnel from the forced labor camp, without the presence of medical supervision.

Policemen from No.2 Team also schemed to separate Falun Gong practitioners who participated in labor from those who did not around August 20 in order to carry out another round of persecution. According to an insider, they would deprive practitioners of sleep and limit them to take a bath only twice a month. They would also violently torture determined practitioners and arrange new "sentries" to monitor the practitioners.

[Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Personnel at Ankang Hospital Inject Dafa Practitioners with Nerve-Damaging Substances

Tangshan City's Ankang Hospital used to be a mental hospital. It has now become a horrible place of persecution against Dafa practitioners. Not too long ago, a determined Dafa practitioner's work unit forcibly sent her there. Medical examiner Yao led criminals to beat up the practitioner and force her to write a so-called "Guarantee Statement." The practitioner didn't give in and was then forcibly injected with an unknown substance, which made the practitioner mentally sluggish, slow-witted and affected her normal movements. For fear that their crime would be exposed, family members were prohibited from visiting her. Her recovery took over a month.

[Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Tangshan City Textile College's Brainwashing Class

Dafa practitioners have been detained in the brainwashing class of Tangshan City's Textile College for a long time. Wang Zhijie, a roughneck, often brutally beat the practitioners. Even elderly people would not be spared. At one time he stomped on the head of an elderly lady who is about the same age as his mother, and grabbed her by the hair. Zhang Aning, a collaborator [former Falun Gong practitioners who at one time practiced Dafa but are now aiding in brainwashing and torture] often instigated other collaborators to slander Dafa and sought excuses to torture practitioners. To exert additional mental pressure, the ruffians also forced or instigated practitioners' spouses to seek a divorce.

Tangshan City's Kaiping District brainwashing class personnel detain practitioners and also extort thousands of Yuan from practitioners without giving a receipt. [The average urban income in China is 500 Yuan. In rural areas it is approximately 200 Yuan]

[Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Chen Liwu

On July 19, policemen from this city and from the Hebei Provincial Police Department arrested practitioner Mr. Chen Liwu, from Tangshan City, Hebei Province and also confiscated his computer.

[Huaiyang County, Henan Province] Arrest of Three Practitioners

Around August 3, 2002, at night, when two practitioners from Lutai Town were spray-painting Dafa truth-clarifying signs reading, "Falun Dafa is Good," a person from Chenlou Village reported them to police. Afterwards, policemen from Lutai Town's Police Precinct arrested the two practitioners at Jiqiao Village. They are now detained at Huaiyang County's Detention Center.

On the morning of August 10, 2002, when a practitioner from Doumen Township went to shopping in Xiangcheng City, an officer from the Doumen Township Police Precinct tracked him to his home and arrested him. Now the practitioner is detained at Huaiyang County's Detention Center.

[Shanghai City] Kidnapping and Illegal Sentencing of Dafa Practitioner Cai Jun

In July 2002, Dafa practitioner Cai Jun from Shanghai City was arrested while clarifying the truth, and was illegally sentenced to two and a half years of forced labor.

[Heifei City and Wuhu City, Anhui Province] Arrest of Multiple Dafa Practitioners

Practitioner Shi Xianbin, from Dongshi District, Hefei City, was arrested several days ago. Practitioner Mr. Shen Qingren, from Anhui Province's Agricultural Science Academy was illegally detained at a brainwashing class. Practitioner Mr. Ding Zhaoxing, from Heifei City, was sent to a brainwashing class shortly after being released from a detention center. Ji Guangxiong, from Heifei City, was kept in a brainwashing class.

Lawless policemen in the Wuhu Area are now arresting many Dafa practitioners. All local detention centers were filled. Some Dafa practitioners were detained at detention centers in two adjoining counties. According to inside sources, lawless policemen claimed that all those Dafa practitioners who were suspected to be the "leaders" would be sentenced to forced labor.

The arrested Dafa practitioners included Mr. Tao Guilong (arrested on July 29), Mr. Xu Yingshan (arrested on August 1), Mr. He Wei, Ms. Li Shuizhen (arrested on August 3) and two other Dafa practitioners.

[Shantou City, Guangdong City] One-Month Illegal Detention of Eight Dafa Practitioners

In the middle of July 2002, eight Dafa practitioners from Shantou City, Guangdong Province, including Ms. Cai Xuhong, Ms. You Chanjuan, Ms. Huang Meiyun, Ms. Liu Jianhong, Ms. Wu Chunhong, Mr. Zheng Dingwu, Ms. Biyun, and Ms. Shaoying were successively arrested by people from Shantou City's Police Department. Because a fellow practitioner confessed when he was arrested when distributing truth-clarifying materials in Chenghai City and couldn't bear the torture, the other seven practitioners were forcibly taken away from their homes. We have heard that six of them have been targets of persecution since March 2002. Now these eight Dafa practitioners have been detained almost one month, but policemen in Shantou City continue the persecution.