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Waco Tribune-Herald: Forum protests covered wide gamet of subjects [excerpt]

Aug. 20, 2002

Practitioners of Falun Gong meditate during a protest near President Bush's Economic Forum event at Baylor. Kelly Lemons/Waco Tribune-Herald. http://www.wacotrib.com/news/content/p4.html

By MIKE ANDERSON Tribune-Herald staff writer

The talk was all economics on the Baylor campus Tuesday, but outside protesters sought attention on issues ranging from corporate influence in politics to abortion to human rights in China.

More than 70 protesters braved 90-plus degree weather to demonstrate near Baylor University, site of President Bush's economic forum.


In contrast, about a dozen demonstrators representing the Falun Gong spiritual movement quietly demonstrated by doing exercises, which resemble yoga and tai chi. The group, whose followers insist it is not a religion, originated in China in 1992. The Chinese government has imprisoned and executed members of the practice[...].

Pan of Houston said demonstrators hoped to draw attention to their cause in advance of Chinese President Jiang Zemin's October meeting with Bush near Crawford.

'Our people are being persecuted in China and we are hoping President Bush will put pressure on (Jiang Zemin) during the meeting,' he said. 'We are peaceful. We don't fight back or retaliate, and they have killed at least 450 in China and put many more in prison and mental hospitals.'

