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Latest News from China - 08/11/2002

Aug. 22, 2002


  • [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Police from Weifang Railroad Gongwu Section and Kuiwen District Abduct Dafa Practitioner and Rob Him
  • [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Head of "610 Office" Arrives in Mudanjiang to further Persecute Dafa Practitioners and Deceive People
  • [China] A City in Northern China Successfully Holds a Dafa Meeting
  • [Xinmin City, Liaoning Province] Four Practitioners are Taken Away by the Public Security Bureau
  • [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Female Practitioner Wang Lifeng is Detained in Jinzhou 2nd Detention Center
  • [Zizhong County, Sichuan Province] Steadfast Female Practitioners Are Suffering Greatly in Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp
  • [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Two Practitioners are Arrested; Their Whereabouts are Unknown
  • [Qiongshan City, Hainan Province] Hainan Police School in Linshan Town Holds Anti-Falun Gong Brainwashing Classes to Persecute Practitioners
  • [Tianmen City, Hubei Province] A perpetrator
  • [Shanghai] Perpetrators and their phone numbers

1. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Police from Weifang Railroad Gongwu Section and Kuiwen District Abduct Dafa Practitioner and Rob Him

On June 28, 2002, a practitioner of the Gongwu Section of the Weifang Railroad was arrested while clarifying the truth of Dafa to the public. The practitioner shouted out loudly when being arrested, "Falun Dafa is good!"

During the illegal interrogation and torture, he went on a hunger strike to protest the mistreatment. The police ordered more than ten criminals to beat and torture him. With a determined heart and righteous belief in Dafa, the practitioner got out of the detention center. To avoid being further persecuted by the police, he could not return home.

While he was detained, members at Kuiwen Public Security extorted 20,000 Yuan in cash from his family, his family's two saving certificates [Note: in China, the police are capable of cashing the certificate], two Mudan Cash cards, a VCR and more than 300 Yuan in cash. While arresting him, the police also took all his pocket money (more than 100 Yuan), his cellular phone, which is worth 2,400 Yuan and a 7,400 Yuan motorcycle. The total amount of money and goods that the police stole totaled over 40,000 Yuan.

The practitioner's family members are under huge stress from the authorities. All his relatives have been forced to help the police find and arrest him. The Gongwu Section of Weifang Railroad sent out people to supervise his mother twenty-four hours a day, and now she has lost her freedom. The shocking misfortune affected his mother both mentally and physically. She weeps every day and her blood pressure has increased. The home phone is tapped; his workplace became an accomplice to the police and forced his family to trap him with excuse of "needing him to go back to work."

The perpetrators:

The party secretary of Linggong District of the Gongwu Section of Weifang Railroad;
The section head of Gongwu Section of Weifang Railroad;
The head of Anti XXX Team

2. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Head of "610 Office" Arrives in Mudanjiang to further Persecute Dafa Practitioners and Deceive People

Recently, the head of the notorious "610 Office" secretly arrived in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province trying to increase the persecution against Dafa practitioners and deceive people. All practitioners, please send righteous thoughts to break through the evil force's arrangement and eliminate the evil beings that manipulate people to attack Dafa.

3. [China] A City in Northern China Successfully Holds a Dafa Meeting

On August 10, many practitioners successfully held a Dafa meeting in a city of northern China. In the meeting, the practitioners actively expressed their understandings about the current situation regarding the limited time of Fa rectification, and felt the urgency of effectively using the time to deeply clarify the truth of Dafa by righteous thoughts and actions, to create the right environment to save more people, and to walk the important last step in our cultivation so that everyone completes cultivation as a practitioner in the Fa rectification period.

4. [Xinmin City, Liaoning Province] Four Practitioners are Taken Away by the Public Security Bureau

Around 4pm on August 8, 2002, the Xinmin Public Security Bureau arrested four practitioners at a site where Dafa materials were being made.

5. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Female Practitioner Wang Lifeng is Detained in Jinzhou 2nd Detention Center

On the morning of July 15th, female practitioner Wang Lifeng from Jinzhou City was taken away from her workplace (Jinzhou City Management Branch) and sent to the City's Politics and Legislation Committee for an Anti-Falun Gong brainwashing class. She kept clarifying the truth of Dafa to the class's staff. On August 2, the "610 Office" transferred her to Jinzhou 2nd Detention Center. (An unknown practitioner was also sent to the detention center.)

6. [Zizhong County, Sichuan Province] Steadfast Female Practitioners Are Suffering Greatly in the Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp

Practitioner Zhan Min, detained at the 9th subgroup in the Nanmusi Female Forced Labor Camp, was force-fed for more than a month after she went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. During that month, she kept doing the exercises. She was handcuffed and locked in a small isolated cell.

Practitioner Mao Kun was detained and tortured with various instruments in a small cell for a long time because she insisted on doing Dafa exercises. She was sent to a hospital one day. On July 5, she was seen being carried and dragged by the police. Her eyes were closed, and she could not stand on her own two feet. When sitting on a high chair, she had to lean on other people with eyes closed. The guards fabricated lies to cover up their torture of practitioners.

7. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Two Practitioners are Arrested; Their Whereabouts are Unknown

At 9am on July 30th, female practitioner Liu Shufen from Fushun City Park in Liaoning Province was forcefully taken away while she was preparing breakfast in her home. Four police dragged her away without letting her put on her shoes. The police were yelling viciously and loudly. Their extremely rude behavior received more and more attention as people came to see what was going on. The police had to be more careful in public.

Police took female practitioner E'Jin from Fushun City away from her workplace on July 29th. Currently the two practitioners' whereabouts are unknown and their family members have no information about them.

We call for all practitioners in Fushun City to send righteous thoughts together to eliminate the evil force's persecution against practitioners.

8. [Qiongshan City, Hainan Province] Hainan Police School in Linshan Town Holds Anti-Falun Gong Brainwashing Classes to Persecute Practitioners

Some corrupt officials from Hainan Province held anti-Falun Gong brainwashing classes to persecute practitioners in Hainan Police School in Linshan town, Qiongshan City. Every detained practitioner's workplace was forced to hand in 10,000 Yuan in so-called "brainwashing fees." Collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] were hired to "assist" practitioners to accept the brainwashing. The practitioners were deprived of sleep and forced to listen to the perpetrators' absurd slandering of Dafa.

9. [Tianmen City, Hubei Province] A perpetrator

Yang Chuanlin, cadre of the Political and Judiciary Committee of Tianmen City, Hubei Province, cellular phone: 86-139-86963383

10. [Shanghai] Perpetrators and their phone numbers

Changning District, Shanghai

People's Government of Changning District, phone: 86-21-62513499, Lu (last name)

People's Court of Changning District, phone: 86-21-62705050, Zhang (Last name)

Minxing District, Shanghai

"610 Office" in Minxing District Government, phone: 86-21-62705050, Li Guozhong

Longbo Police Station, phone: 86-21-64060393, Xu Bing

Security Section of Shanghai xxx University, phone: 86-21-62932352, Ji Kaifeng

Gumei Police Station, phone: 86-21-64801764, Liu Yong

Xinzhuang Police Station, phone: 86-21-64921253, Zhuang (Last name)

Public Security Bureau at Putuo Branch, phone: 86-21-62441195, Cai Meijuan

Court of Prosecutor in Yangpu District, phone: 86-21-65434292, Xia Weizhong

"610 Office" in Yangpu District, phone: 86-21-65419450, Li Zhiyong

Songjiang Detention Center, phone: 86-21-57823618, Dong (Last name)

"610 Office" in Zhabei District, phone: 86-21-63805390, Xu (Last name)