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Summary of Other Articles and News - 08/20/2002

Aug. 23, 2002


Focus of Current Affairs

A Chinese broadcast from the French International Radio Station stated on the evening news of August 18, 2002, that the Cambodian Government had deported several Chinese Falun Dafa practitioners who had United Nation Refugee Status back to China. This action stirred strong concern amongst the world's Falun Dafa practitioners. They thought that this action is not only anti-human, but also violated the dignity of the United Nations. They expressed that they will try hard to bring moral support to the deportees, Mr. and Mrs. Li

News from China

In July 1999, Jiang Zemin and his regime started persecuting Falun Gong. My mother, sister and I went to Beijing to appeal, and were arrested. My mother and I were illegally sent to Masanjia Labor Camp. My mother was later arrested for passing out truth clarifying flyers. The evil persecutors again tried to send her to Masanjia. She protested the mistreatment with a hunger strike and without taking water for 6 days. The evil captors finally sent her home. My parents and I have been forced to leave home and have to roam around to avoid the persecution. There is only my younger sister and grandmother left at home to live a hard life.

Open Forum

An absurd verdict - "Falun Gong assaults the police and the police show sympathy to Falun Gong"? The speech made by the judge fully demonstrated the ridiculousness of this verdict. It is even more confusing when he claimed: "The police showed deep sympathy toward Falun Gong practitioners." Aren't the police afraid of been fired and even been thrown into jail? If they truly have sympathy toward Falun Gong, why did they not directly appeal to Jiang Zemin or go through Tung Chee-hwa to request the end of this persecution against Falun Gong? The speech made by the judge apparently showed political intent. It damaged the independence of the judiciary system in Hong Kong.

Reference Materials: Chinese Nationalism. When I discuss the current situation with my Chinese and foreign friends, most of them think that one should be watchful for the two waves reoccurring in China: nationalism and the doctrine of the nation's essence. They could potentially hinder the modernization and democracy of China. This article's main theme is the exploration of Chinese nationalism. It also discusses the social and psychological reasons behind the phenomenon that some Chinese took pleasure in other's misfortune after the "September 11th" incident.