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An Open Letter from Friends of Falun Gong in Canada to All Journalists and Media in Iceland

Sept. 2, 2002

August 26, 2002

Re: The Persecution of Falun Gong

We, the Friends of Falun Gong in Canada, have learned that Falun Gong practitioners plan to visit Iceland in early September to dialogue with the government there, and clarify both the nature of the Falun Gong practice and why barring over 100 practitioners from entering this democratic and free country, based on a black list believed to be provided by Chinese authorities, is so wrong. We would like to express our most sincere gratitude that when these violations occurred you were unequivocal in your support for "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." We hope that you will continue to press Icelandic authorities to fully rectify the harm they brought to this just cause, and to the Icelandic nation.

Friends of Falun Gong Association of Canada is a Canadian-based, non-profit organization of individuals who actively support freedom of belief and basic human rights that are being contravened currently in China. We have elected to make the persecution in China of Falun Gong practitioners the primary focus of our human rights concerns due to Falun Gong's peaceful nature and positive contributions to Canadian society and the world. Their admirable commitment to non-violence and to the principles of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance exemplifies the very best in human beings.

It is widely known that Jiang Zemin moved into the top post of the Chinese government by supporting martial law during the 1989 crackdown on democracy, which led to the massacre of many innocent students in Tiananmen Square. To conceal his crimes, he used state-controlled propaganda to willfully and on a wide-scale brainwash the Chinese people and convince them that the "student rebels" killed soldiers and police in a "political incident." He manipulated the media, blocked all information and severely punished those who dared to stand up and ask for the truth.

During the past 12 years, under his rule, China has become hopelessly bankrupt morally, and the people have experienced a serious loss of fundamental values shared by so many other peoples in the world. Behind the "economic successes" are systemic corruption and deception, organized crime led quite often by the authorities themselves, a vast disparity between the rich and the poor, and the marginalization of unemployed workers and peasants. What is most alarming is Jiang's persecution of literally all ethnic minorities and groups of faith including Christians, Catholics, Tibetan Buddhists, Muslims, and more recently the Falun Gong.

Falun Gong is rooted in Chinese culture and is based on the universal principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. It was the hope of many that this practice would revive the moral decay in China, had it not been for the persecution. To monitor and carry out this horrific persecution, Jiang established a nationwide agency with power over all branches of the government, including the Judiciary, the military, the police, and the regional and municipal governments. Under the directions of the '610 office', at least 458 Falun Gong practitioners have been verified to have tortured to death, and tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners continue to be tortured in labor camps or mental hospitals. This regime has blatantly violated China's own constitution that guarantees freedom of speech, belief and assembly as well as its international obligations under Human Rights Covenants, which it has signed and brought into law.

We are alarmed that under the guise of 'economic collaboration', Jiang Zemin, who Amnesty International calls a 'human rights scoundrel,' has exported his propaganda and his persecution of Falun Gong to every country he has visited. Wherever he goes, he exerts pressure on governments and communities, and tries to have them bar or arrest Falun Gong practitioners. Having people denounce or defame those who stand for goodness and truthfulness shreds the moral fabric of civilized society, and it has people choose prosperity and self-interest over goodness and decency. Over the past six months, such interference with other governments has happened in Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Cambodia, Hong Kong, and your nation of Iceland.

In Canada, we have detailed documentation about how Jiang Zemin has interfered with all levels of governments through his embassies and consulates. His regime strongly coerced municipal governments to rescind proclamations in support of Falun Gong. Chinese diplomats visited newspapers to show them anti-Falun Gong propaganda, and they broadcast it through the ethnic Chinese media. This has been a systemic problem that even predates the persecution of Falun Gong (please see the attached article from the Globe and Mail, from two years ago). Fortunately, the Canadian government and people have first-hand experience of the peaceful and compassionate nature of Falun Gong, and are fully aware of Jiang's illegal activities in Canada. This country has consistently and continuously provided full support to Falun Gong.

People are understandably reticent to label a foreign leader a tyrant like Stalin and Hitler. However, to provide an example, during the 1990's peasants in China were encouraged to give blood, which they did in vast numbers, and in the process they were widely infected with HIV, the repercussions of which are only beginning to be felt now. However, today they are shunned, ignored, and blamed for their own disease. As the toll of death mounts indirectly from policies such as this, as well as directly in murder and persecution as against the Falun Gong, can a leader like Jiang be considered any less a tyrant than other Eastern or Western tyrants of the 20th century who starved and/or murdered millions?

During Jiang's visit to Iceland, journalists and media showed a great sense of justice, courage and ethical integrity in the coverage of Falun Gong. Further, the support shown by the Icelandic people in their own unique fashion moved many practitioners to tears. During those few days, Jiang had divided your country and turned your government into something it should never have been. We sincerely hope that through the upcoming visit of Falun Gong practitioners to Iceland, your government will gain a better understanding of how barring and detaining Falun Gong practitioners in support of Jiang's visit truly stole what Icelandic people have greatly treasured: the rule of law, democratic process, human rights and justice.

Yours truly,