After reading an article on Clearwisdom.net about practitioners inside China using cable television technology to broadcast the truth to many people living in China, I was truly amazed at the Chinese practitioners' understanding of the Fa. In North America Lecture Tour March 2002, Master Li said, "that only for the sake of teaching Dafa were mankind and human culture created." From that lecture Iácame to understand the very technology that made cable television possibleácame into being before the persecution started but it came about so that it could now help our practitioners in clarifying the truth to the Chinese in Mainland China.
As I wiped away the tears that came from reading the article about the cable broadcast, I felt those Chinese practitioners had sent a message straight to my heart, and to everyone's heart. I signed off the computer and felt that the media inside China was one way to reach many people at one time and tell the trutháabout the liesáJiang has spread for so long.á I wanted to be a part of that process of using the media inside China, like my Dafa brothers and sisters did to break those lies and notions that Jiang has told since 1999.á I felt the practitioners in China were showing us through their actions,áand teaching me from their article on Clearwisdom that it could be done. I wanted to contact the media companies within China andásimply ask them to clarify the truth as professional media people to all people in China.á For me the most direct way to reach the professional media people inside China is through my computer. So I started to contact the media in China.
Newspapers, radio, television stations and other mainstream media outlets were my starting point.á I sent emails toánewspapers that were bilingual (English and Chinese) because I wanted to reach as many journalists as possible inside China regardless of their nationality. The more emails I sent out, the clearer I became about what to say. I found more leads to follow up during the times I used search engines. I usually keep my emails short--only three or four paragraphs. In the first two paragraphs I introduce myself. I feel that sharing some personal information with whoever would read the emails is necessary. I always let them know I am a western Falun Gong practitioner, and give them my name and whereáI am from. The last two paragraphs are simple and direct: Please tell the truth about Falun Gong. I don't attack them verbally, I don't criticizeátheir past actions as professional media people. Most importantly, I acknowledge that they could choose to be part of the solution.
Master Li said in the North American Tour, "When the persecution against us started all the worlds media wanted to know what Falun Gong was about. But nobody was able to get positive materials and they all copied what the lie breeding media in China published."áFrom the above lecture, I believed it was important to try and contact the media inside China. I didn't believe I would be able to immediately get the media to start to tell the truth. I did take the first step and send them emails and naturally they started to respond to me.á The first time I got a reply was from a journalist in Beijing. I chose to contact the media in this city first because I felt evils' hold on the media was stronger there.
It has been five months since I sent the first email to the media inside China. I have learned so much since then. I saw my efforts to contact the media as a precious opportunity. I believed I could directly eliminate evils that hold onto journalists who go to work everyday to spread the lies to 1.3 billion people in China about Falun Gong. I believed as a righteous cultivator I could make a difference. Why did I feel this way? Because Master Li told us we could make a difference.ááááááááá
My first email went out on the 8th of May 2002. I wanted the media in Beijing to know that May 13th was the tenth anniversary of Falun Gong. For ten years practitioners worldwide have so compassionatelyáshared with the worlds people this great Fa Master Li taught us. Our initial emails were charged with life and spirit, like a tiger and a dragon meeting for the first time.á In the beginning I gave him plenty of time to think about my idea's as a practitioner. I didn't want to fight with words; I just wanted to clarify the truth. I would read his email over and over so I could take just one point and address it like a practitioner should.áOver a five-month period our emails became more frequent and natural. We communicated through email back and forth frequently. It took time for him to respect my views. I was not looking for respect, but any truth, especially the kind of truth Master Li taught us will naturally bring about this understanding when two people communicate different points of view.á
He has been living in China since the early 1980's. He told me, " I've written about Falun Gong as a journalist. I wish you luck in your efforts and work."á He even shared with me early in May 02 that, "I personally am strongly opposed to the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong." He expressed to me that, "the right to belief should be a universal human right." I explained in one email to the Beijing journalist that, " the lastáthree years I have met with many Chinese people worldwide and I see their hearts and wish for the government to allow Falun Gong to peacefully exist inside china!" He responded, "So do I, and so do most Chinese!"áááááááá
Heádescribed theácommunist party actions in one email like this: "What the party is doing to innocent people is horrible."á In another email he told me, " Why continue to confront the insecure, defensive, threatened, wounded animal that is the communist party." We had many different views also. We did not agree on every issue we both raised.á I convinced him to read Clearwisdom.net.á If I asked him, he would share his views with me about articles practitioners have written on the Clearwisdom website.á Those ones that have to do with the media inside China seem to be easy for him to discuss with me. The satellite broadcast was a heated discussion on his part. After five months, I am still clarifying the truth to him.
I came to understand many things while emailing the Mainland Chinese media, and while talking to the Beijing journalist in particular.ááIt really made me examine my own cultivation very deeply. I had to search for a higher wisdom than I had when I first started to contact him. He played a role in my becoming a better practitioner. I had to search for the truth from within the Fa.áWhen I clarified one lie, evil would hide in another part of his mind.áHe would offer another misunderstanding for me to respond to after one was eliminated.áHe was completely unaware of evil's hold on his conscience,ábehavior and explanation. I have learned to crush each lie, as a righteous practitioner should. I always do it with compassion and benevolence.áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá
In a Clearwisdom article entitled To Fellow Practitioners on September 7, 2002 it said, "We should make our truth-clarifying material so that, after being given out, people are happy to read it and pass it from one person to another, reaching a chain-reaction and unstoppable result." I believe this also applies to any emails we send. This new article inspired me to do even better in communicating my views to him. Western practitioners can play a role by contacting the media inside China. Many newspaper and media companies have foreign journalists working for them. It could be an open door for us to use. Like Master Li said in Zhuan Falun,á "Why don't you give it a try when you return home. When you are overcoming a real hardship or tribulation, you try it..."
Category: Perspective