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Amidst Tribulation A Young Dafa Disciple Perseveres with Mighty Virtue

Jan. 18, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China

Jan. 3rd, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) She is only 12 years old and just began middle school, but she has cultivated for over 6 years. Her parents go to study the Fa at the practice site; she goes along and studies as well. Sometimes she reads a paragraph aloud. When she was in the first grade in elementary school, she could read the book Zhuan Falun from beginning to end. She is very persistent in doing the meditation exercise in the double lotus position.

After July 20th 1999, when Dafa was being persecuted, her parents were occupied with the Fa-rectification, but she didn't stay behind either.

Her mom went to Beijing again to validate Dafa in May 2000 and was detained when she returned. She was illegally sent to a labor camp in August. This was a serious test for a 10-year-old child. She missed her mom, and she would always save and wrap up the food that her aunt brought her to take to her mom to eat. However, when she was asked whether she missed her mom, she would reply from the perspective of the Fa. She is worthy of the title of young Dafa disciple. Her mother is also worthy of being a Dafa disciple; she always maintains her rational, clear-headed, and unshakable calm even under the vicious persecution by the evil force.

Ever since Teacher told us how to send forth righteous thoughts, the young Dafa practitioner sends forth righteous thoughts every night to help her mom, helping her to get out of the labor camp with righteous thoughts, righteous actions and with dignity. She attended a large-scale group practice with her dad at 5 o'clock in the morning of June 18, 2000, which was attended by several hundred practitioners. Her dad was detained at the public security bureau. She and other practitioners who attended the group practice were illegally detained for one day at the police station, and given no food or drink until 5 p.m. the following afternoon when she went home with an aunt. She also frequently goes out to clarify the truth. The morning winter temperature in Northern China is very low, but she wakes up around 4 o'clock every morning to hand out flyers, or if she's not able to wake up on her own she sets an alarm clock to wake her up. Inspired by her, her dad also joins her. After her mom got out of the labor camp, she also joined her to pass out the flyers. When the young Dafa disciple enters a building, she stomps her feet to turn on the sound-activated lights in the hallway. After posting each flyer she carefully checks to make sure that it was posted properly.

In March 2001, the evil launched a large-scale nationwide campaign to gather signatures against Dafa. She refused to sign. The teachers all tried to persuade her without avail. Later the principal criticized her sternly. Under such heavy pressure, she remained firm and unyielding; thus she passed this test. She reminisced later: "I didn't sign my name there, but there is my signature in heaven."

On the evening of September 5, 2002, some evil thugs broke into their house unexpectedly and dragged her parents by force to the police van with their heads covered. They also searched their house, and forcibly took away the picture of Teacher, Dafa books, computers, printer, etc. Her parents were taken away and illegally sent to labor camps, leaving her alone at home to fend for herself and worry over her parents. When it got cold, she took out her parents' clothes. She packed them and brought the clothing to her father in person because her father was detained in the city. But her mother was detained two hundred li (1 mile=3.2 li) away, and she also had to go to school. She felt terrible looking at the package of her mom's coats and thought about her in the cold. Fortunately, fellow practitioners helped deliver the package to her mom, so she was relieved.

My dear young practitioner, you will not be alone. No matter how big the tribulation, you will be able to come through because you are a Dafa disciple, and because you have matured through tempering. What you will leave behind amidst the tribulation is the mighty virtue of a great cultivator.