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Falun Dafa Practitioners from Mainland China Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year (1) (Photos)

Jan. 2, 2003


Editor's note: We have received a great number of New Year greetings to our most respected and revered Master from Mainland China. Practitioners expressed that although they have been experiencing unimaginable difficulties, tribulations and pressure, they firmly believe in Falun Dafa and Master. They will continue to follow Master's teaching and do even better to study the Fa well, to clarify the truth thoroughly and in a refined way, and eliminate the evil factors in other dimension with righteous thoughts. Practitioners expressed that they would use their righteous thoughts and righteous actions to wish Master a Happy New Year! Practitioners also expressed their boundless appreciation and thankfulness to our benevolent Master for saving his disciples and all sentient beings. Due to our limited resources, here we only translate a representation.

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Words in photo: Teacher, Greetings!

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Words in photo: Above: Master, Happy New Year. Bottom: All Dafa disciples from Haidian District; all Dafa disciples from Tsinghua Campus practice site. January 1, 2003.