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Latest News from China - 01/12/2003

Jan. 21, 2003


  • [Jinzhou City, Hubei Province] Three Dafa Practitioners Are Illegally Sentenced by the Shashi District Court
  • [Benxi, Liaoning Province] The Lies and Tortures Inside the Drug Rehabilitation Center in the Benxi Forced Labor Camp
  • [Liaoning Province] Collaborators Are Instigated to Abuse Dafa Practitioners in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang and the Yuemingshan Forced Labor Camp in Anshan

1. [Jinzhou City, Hubei Province] Three Dafa Practitioners Are Illegally Sentenced by the Shashi District Court

Li Zhangming, 31, male, and former naval Lieutenant was persecuted for practicing Falun Dafa. He was forced out of the Navy in 2000.
Shi Liangyu, 58, female, a retiree of theShashi emulsion factory.
Chen Jiawang, 39, male, an employee of the Jinzhou Datian Company.

During the court trial, the lawyer said, "Some of the contents charged by the public prosecutor cannot be found in the court files." The public prosecutor was not able to explain where the files were. Chen Xiang, the shameless judge bore false witness by saying, "I can be the witness, the court folder has everything. If you didn't see it, that's your fault." Such talk is really a scandal in the Chinese courtroom. The practitioners were sentenced 15 minutes after the trial ended. It was obvious that the court verdict was actually printed before the trial even began because the judge only took about 10 minutes to decide on the verdict. In the 15 minutes recess time, it would be impossible to review the trial proceedings, which include discussions, deciding on the appropriate sentences, recording, and then typing the paper. Apparently everything had been decided beforehand, and the trial was a sham and a show for the public.

In mid-September 2001, Li Zhangming escaped when a material center [location where flyers and CDs that explain the facts about the persecution are prepared] was found and destroyed by the police. But later, a collaborator [a former Falun Gong practitioner that has gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] and his relatives, together with the police in the first section of the Shashi Public Security Bureau set a trap to arrest Li. On October 18, 2001, in the home of the collaborator's relative, Li was arrested by four policemen and sent to Changjiang Hotel where the police torture practitioners. He was handcuffed and suspended by the cuffs on a window frame for four days and nights, without food, water, or sleep. Police shocked his head, ears, foot arches, and trunk innumerable times with electric batons. He passed out many times due to the pain of the electric shocks.

2. [Benxi, Liaoning Province] The Lies and Tortures Inside the Drug Rehabilitation Center in the Benxi Forced Labor Camp

In October 2002, a new brainwashing center was created in the drug rehabilitation center in the Benxi Forced Labor Camp. After that, Dafa practitioners from all over Liaoning province were sent there for forced brainwashing. Collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners that have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] were used to abuse Dafa practitioners by continuously telling lies and making irrational statements as part of the forced brainwashing of Dafa practitioners.

Newly arrested Dafa practitioners were treated in a hypocritical way. They were warmly welcomed, talked to nicely, and then tested for their firmness in their belief in Dafa by being asked questions. Each practitioner was then treated according to his/her situation. For example, if a practitioner was not able to tolerate sitting in the double-crossed-leg style for a long time, the police would bind their legs into the lotus position and tie their arms behind their backs with ropes. If one still did not give in, police would clamp their ankles with plates. Furthermore, police would send practitioners downstairs to continue the torture. Two to three days later, when these practitioners came back, they limped and took much effort to walk due to injuries they received from this torture. No one knows what tortures the police used on the practitioners downstairs.

3. [Liaoning Province] Collaborators Are Instigated to Abuse Dafa Practitioners in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang and the Yuemingshan Forced Labor Camp in Anshan

Dafa practitioners are severely tortured in the two forced labor camps recently. Collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] are used to beat the determined Dafa practitioners, no sleep was allowed, and various kinds of torture devices are used during the torment.

Collaborators in the Yuemingshan Forced Labor Camp in Anshan include Li Zhibo, Jia Hongbin, Lan Benqiang, and Zhou Xilin.

The director of the Anshan City "610 office" [a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches] is Sun (female), her phone number is 86-412-5534141.

January 11, 2003