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Latest News from China - 01/14/2003

Jan. 21, 2003


  • [Deqing County, Zhejiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Bao Jiaxue and Xia Jianpeng from Macheng, Hubei Province Are Held in Custody in the Detention Center at Deqing County, Zhejiang Province
  • [Luquan City, Hebei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Jianhui from Luquan City, Hebei Province Is Under Arrest Again
  • [Beijing] Falun Dafa Practitioner Liu Zhan Is Held in the Chongwen Detention Center
  • [Deyang, Sichuan Province] Rotating Falun Observed by Many Above the Deyang Prison

1. [Deqing County, Zhejiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Bao Jiaxue and Xia Jianpeng from Macheng, Hubei Province Are Held in Custody in the Detention Center at Deqing County, Zhejiang Province

Falun Dafa practitioners Bao Jiaxue and Xia Jianpeng are from Macheng, Hubei Province. On July 19, they were arrested while working at temporary jobs in the Desheng Wood Co. Ltd. in Deqing County, Zhejiang Province. They have been undergoing persecution in the Detention Center in Deqing County ever since.

2. [Luquan City, Hebei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Jianhui from Luquan City, Hebei Province Is Under Arrest Again

Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Jianhui is from Dahe Township in Luquan City, Hebei Province. In the second half of December 2002 he was arrested again by the police from Luquan City when he returned from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. Prior to this, the Shijiazhuang police had arrested him from a rental property on September 25, 2002, but Wang was able to leave the detention center and brainwashing center by maintaining righteous thoughts.

Currently, Wang Jianhui is being unlawfully held in the brainwashing class in Luquan City for persecution. He has been tied to an iron chair with handcuffs and shackles. The sponsors of the brainwashing center are trying to whittle down Falun Dafa practitioners' determination through inhumane torture. By the time we sent out this report, Wang had been under continuous abuse for over twenty days and has withstood tremendous suffering.

We appeal to the international tribunal courts and human rights organizations around the world to pay close attention to this incident of severe torture and persecution in the brainwashing center in Luquan City, Hebei Province.

Telephone number of the "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] in Luquan City, Hebei Province: 86-311-2015926.

3. [Beijing] Falun Dafa Practitioner Liu Zhan Is Held in the Chongwen Detention Center

Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Zhan from Beijing was arrested early this past summer. He was first sent to the Chongwen Detention Center for custody. During his detention, he was taken to a so-called legal training center for persecution, but he did not give in. Then he was transferred to a forced labor camp, but the authorities there refused to accept him because of his high blood pressure. Another attempt to send him to the forced labor camp was declined as well. He currently remains in custody at the Chongwen Detention Center.

The Chongwen Detention Center has ordered prisoners held on criminal charges to force-feed Falun Dafa practitioners who are on hunger strikes.

4. [Deyang, Sichuan Province] Rotating Falun Observed by Many Above the Deyang Prison

Case I - At 9:45 p.m. on May 4, 2002, when all inmates in Section 2 of the Deyang Prison were called to convene, a constantly spinning round-shaped flying object appeared above the two-story high office building. At first it was of the shape of smoke or fog, and then it became clearer and clearer, catching the attention of many inmates and Falun Dafa practitioners. After the prisoners were dispatched back to their cells, many of them looked out of the windows at this strange object, as the rotating object became clearly discernable: it was a huge disc with a diameter of about six meters, transparent, divided into and inner and an outer circle with four rotating Taichi diagrams especially conspicuous. One inmate couldn't help yelling out, "Isn't this the Falun!?" The Falun kept spinning at the same location for a while, and then moved to the next section of the prison and continued its rotation. It also changed its angle and moved up and down, left and right. As verified by eyewitnesses who carefully observed the phenomenon, the Falun stayed above the prison for the entire night. Some inmates who participated in the early morning basketball exercises still saw the Falun above the prison.

Case II -- On an early April night in 2002, an inmate in Section 2 of the Deyang Prison witnessed an object with the configuration of a Falun above his section of the prison, but did not mention it anyone. However on May 4, when the Falun appeared again above the same section, he told a Falun Dafa practitioner, "This shape is identical to what I saw last time."

Case III -- In April and May 2002, an inmate in the clinic of the Deyang Prison witnessed an object with the form of a Falun constantly spinning and drifting above the clinic.

Case IV -- Around 7:00 p.m. on August 13, 2002, over a hundred prisoners in Section 6 had just finished a day of hard labor and were gathering in the open air. A large Falun kept drifting above the gathering site. Then it followed the inmates along their way from the labor site back to their cells. Some prisoners shouted the Falun Gong founder's name when spotting the Falun. According to eyewitnesses, the round-shaped Falun had a diameter of eight meters. It was divided into an outer circle and an inner one, each of which were made up countless smaller circles. The entire diagram was of a foggy white color. However, both the outer and inner circles were clearly delineated. The Falun flew at its will, a magnificent site.

January 13, 2003