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Latest News from China - 01/09/2003

Jan. 22, 2003


[Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province] Corrected Information Regarding Falun Dafa Practitioners Illegally Sentenced to Jail in Shuangcheng City

Yin Fuquan was illegally sentenced to 6 years in jail, Zhang Jingyan was sentenced to 10 years, and Ma Zhongliang was sentenced to 13 years.

[Liaozhong County, Liaoning Province] County Court Illegally Tries Falun Dafa Practitioners

Prior to the 16th Party Congress, a Liaozhong County court convened secretly to try eight practitioners, who were illegally sentenced to three or four years in jail. They are Zhang Chaoguo, Zhang Dayong, Guan Suli (female), Li Xianfa, Li Cai, Zhang Chunzhi, Zhang Hongqing and one other practitioner.

[Liaozhong County, Liaoning Province] Mother and Daughters Arrested

Prior to the 16th Party Congress, the Ciyutuo Public Security Branch in Liaozhong County, together with police from the No.3 Department of the Shenyang Public Security Bureau, illegally arrested a mother (Liu Suyun, 64 years old) and her two daughters (Zhang Tiejun and Zhang Ling) in Ciyutuo Town. They also confiscated over 6,000 Yuan in cash (equal to an average worker's yearly income in China), a cellular phone, two printers and other equipment worth over 5,000 Yuan. Currently, the three are being held in a detention center in Shenyang City. Family members are not allowed to visit them. There has been no further news of them for over two months.

Telephone number of the officer on duty in the Ciyutuo Public Security Branch: 86-24-87752110, 86-24-87753110
Telephone number of the director's office: 86-24-87752119

[Laiwu City, Shandong Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Liu Aifang and Her Husband Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labor Camps

Laiwu Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Arfang (female) and two other practitioners were illegally arrested on December 23, 2001, while distributing truth-clarifying materials outside the city. Liu Aifang was illegally sentenced to a forced labor camp and is currently in the Jinan Female Forced Labor Camp. In order to coerce her into giving up cultivation practice, the labor camp police have tortured her with methods such as sleep deprivation, but she has remained steadfast. For the last five months, Liu Aifang has been on a hunger strike to protest her illegal detention, and her life is endangered. The police, however, have not only kept her detained but also extorted money from her family members. Liu's husband was illegally sentenced to a forced labor camp in the summer of 2001 for not giving up Falun Dafa. He is now being detained in the Mingshui Forced Labor Camp. Their 14-year-old son is forced to be alone at home.

[Dashiqiao City, Liaoning Province] Desperate Retaliation by Police

After senior practitioner Li Yanghuawas was beaten to death by police from Dashiqio City, other practitioners exposed this crime. Now the Dashiqio police are vigorously seeking retaliation. Court will be convened on January 9 to try these practitioners illegally, and heavy sentences are expected to be sought by the prosecutors.

[Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Police Damage Dafa Materials Site and Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners

On December 20, 2002, the public security bureau in Fengrunxinqu District illegally arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Sun Jianzhong while he was delivering truth-clarifying materials. They tortured him for three days and nights. Then they sabotaged the materials site in Tangshan City. Practitioners Han Xueyu and Feng Haijuan were brutally beaten by the police for not cooperating with the evil. Currently the three practitioners are still in detention.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Huang Baoyuan Illegally Sent to Forced Labor Camp

Huang Yuanbao, a Falun Dafa practitioner from the Xinzhou District, was arrested when he went to Beijing to validate Dafa during the 16th Party Congress. Then he was escorted back to the brainwashing center in the Xinzhou District of Wuhan City, where he was hanged and handcuffed for a night, just for insisting on practicing the exercises of Falun Dafa. After that, he was sent to the Xinzhou Detention House for criminal detention. Later on, he was sentenced to one year at the forced labor camp in Wuhan City.

[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Guizhong Illegally Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor

Wang Guizhong, about 54 years old, is from Baixintai Village, Pingluo Town, in the Yuhong Area of Shenyang City. She started to practice Falun Dafa in 1997. At the end of November 2002, she was arrested while putting up truth-clarifying materials in Laobian Township in the Yuhong Area. She was illegally sentenced to two years at a forced labor camp. Currently she is being detained in the Dalongshan Forced Labor Camp in the Donglin District of Shenyang City. She absolutely refuses to yield to the evil.

[Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Several Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested

Police from Shuangta District arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Wu Rongjie at home at 6:00 p.m. on December 30, 2002. Several other practitioners were arrested the same night. They are presently being detained in the Wujiawa Detention Center, where they intend to go on a hunger strike to bravely protest their persecution.

[Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province] The Shuangyashan Mineral Bureau Arrests Falun Dafa Practitioners

On April 23, 2002, police from the public security department of the Shuangyashan Mineral Bureau broke into Falun Dafa practitioner Sun Junjie's home and arrested him. They detained him in the Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp, where he was tortured to such an extent that he cannot eat any more and has difficulty walking. His family members have demanded his release. However, the labor camp keeps detaining and persecuting him, not allowing his family members to see him. Currently, Sun Junjie is in an extremely weak condition.

[Liaoning Province] People Forced to Read Abusive Slogans in Police Substation

My friend told me, "I went to the local police substation (Maguanqiao Police Substation) for my ID card. The police in charge asked me to read a regulation that includes abusive language about your Teacher."

Prior to the 16th Party Congress, more than ten Falun Gong practitioners were arrested and detained in the police substation. Three of them are reported to be from the agricultural university. The phone number of the police substation is 86-24-88417419.

[Haiyang City, Shandong Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Li Zhen and Yu Are Missing

During mid-December 2002, Haiyang practitioner Li Zhen (an alias) and another practitioner whose last name is Yu from Rushan went missing while delivering Teacher's articles and materials from Clearwisdom. It is presumed that they were arrested.

[Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Qu Guihua, Qu Guijie, and Liu Minghua Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp

On November 7, Qu Guihua, a female practitioner from Yilan County, was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor camp; Qu Guijie, two years; and Liu Minghua, two years. They are currently being detained in the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp.

[Beining City, Liaoning Province] Police Arrest and Extort Money from Falun Dafa Practitioners

Two Falun Dafa practitioners from Goubangzi were tricked into going to the local police station, from which they were transferred to the Beining Detention Center. According to an internal source, they both have been illegally sentenced to two years at a forced labor camp.

Prior to the 16th Party Congress, the public security department in the Beining area was ordered by its superiors to keep Falun Dafa practitioners under strict control. The Qingduizi and Changxin Police Substations responded with vicious enthusiasm to this direction, especially the Qingduizi Station, where the police kept all current and former practitioners together, demanding that each one write the so-called "statement of guarantee" (to give up Falun Gong and promise not to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong). Whoever refused to write the statement was sent to the detention center. After the 16th Party Congress, every practitioner was told to pay from 2,000 to 5,000 Yuan or be sent to the detention center. One practitioner from Changxin was sent to the detention center because his family couldn't find enough money. The police from these two areas are openly and shamelessly extorting money from Falun Dafa practitioners and their families.

Phone numbers of those involved in persecuting Falun Dafa:

The Goubangzi Public Security Branch: 86-416-6652119, 86-416-6653553
The Biaoduizi Police Substation: 86-416-6380017. Director: Wang Hufei
Director of the Beining Public Security Bureau: 86-416-6622968 (work)
Li Chunzhi, from the Legal Office, 86-416-6624653 (home)
Wu Qingxiang, from the National Security Team, 86-416-6622744 (home)
Qi Tiecheng, from "610 Office", 86-416-6635958 (home) (The 610 Office is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political or judicial systems.)

[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Liu Yongguo Illegally Detained

Liu Yongguo, a 55-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner from Shihe Town in the Jingzhou Area of Dalian City, was illegally arrested while at home by a group of thugs led by policeman Li Guojun in October, 2002. His home was thoroughly searched and his property was taken away with no legal justification. Guo Xin, the director of the local police station, is involved in the persecution as well. Liu Yongguo is presently being illegally detained in the Jingzhou Detention Center. The police are preparing to have him detained in a forced labor camp for intensified persecution.

[Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Chunying Illegally Sentenced to Four-Year Jail Term

Wang Chunying, a 51-year-old female practitioner from Chaoyang City, was illegally sentenced to a forced labor camp for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in 1999. On October 31 of that year, she was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, where she was tortured. Under the pressure and persecution she gave up cultivation practice. After she was released from the labor camp, however, she realized that she had done wrong and wrote a solemn announcement to void all the documents she had written under duress.

In January 2002, she was arrested again for appealing for Falun Dafa in Beijing. In the basement of the Beijing Public Security Hospital, she was subjected to many forms of torture. Then she was escorted back to her hometown and detained in the No.1 Detention Center in Chaoyang City. On July 8, 2002, she was secretly sentenced to a four-year jail term. The following is her account of her medical examination before being sent to the Liaoning Female Prison.

"At around 8:00 am on September 10, 2002, a doctor from the detention center informed me that I would be having a medical examination that day, even though I had already had breakfast. He said threateningly, 'Mind yourself today! If you are asked whether you have had breakfast or not, don't say anything!' An hour later, Guard Gao Zhihua forcibly took me out of the iron gate and handcuffed me with some criminal prisoners. After we arrived at the hospital, I notified the attending doctor that I had eaten breakfast, and a blood test would therefore be invalid. The policemen then beat me, handcuffed me, and took the blood from my hand. They filled in the column on the physical examination form without waiting for the results of the blood test. At the X-ray lab, the policemen asked the doctor to fill in a false result. When the doctor didn't cooperate, the police officers themselves filled in that column as well. The third test is for venereal diseases. I refused to enter the exam room. Even though Gao Zhihua and Li Guangjun (Police #861340) punched me in the chest and knocked me to the floor, they couldn't overcome my resistance and get me into the room. Again, they filled in the form themselves. This was how my medical examination form was completed. They began to shove me out of the hospital. When I refused to cooperate, they dragged me on the floor all the way out the door."

[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Huang Zheming Illegally Sentenced to Three Years at Forced Labor Camp

Falun Dafa practitioner Huang Zheming was illegally sentenced to three years at a forced labor camp in October 1999. On August 7, 2002, police again arrested him at home. They kept him in a room on the third floor of a building at his work unit. In order to avoid further persecution, Huang jumped down from the third floor but fractured his foot. The police then detained him at the Dabei Jail Hospital, where Huang refused to cooperate with them and went on a hunger strike in protest of the illegal detention. Not long ago, Huang was again transferred, but this time we are unaware of his whereabouts.