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What Does the Media in China Really Say?

Jan. 22, 2003 |   By Ming-Xin

(Clearwisdom.net) An announcement by the state controlled Chinese media claimed the following: "Police in Chongqing Province have uncovered an underground Falun Gong organization." As a matter of fact, the words and phrases used by the media are a complete reversal of the facts. The writer of this article has re-written the media article to unravel the lies that the state-controlled media machine has created in an attempt to defame Falun Gong. The following is the information that the author has obtained from studying the media report:

Chongqing Police illegally seized practitioners' property

On January 9 2003, police, under the command of Jiang's criminal gang, illegally seized property to suppress Falun Gong practitioners' Constitutional rights in Fengjie County. It was understood that the seized materials were truth-clarifying materials about Falun Gong which were brought from Taiwan by Mr. Xiaoru Yu, a citizen from Fengjie County in Sichuan Province.

According to the police description, the materials included:

There were also some other materials taken, including equipment to copy Falun Gong truth-clarifying information, such as compact photocopying machines, staplers, toners, waxed paper etc.

The police announced that the major suspect was Mr. Xiaoru Yu, a 72-year-old man. Mr. Yu was a member of the Politics Negotiation Committee and was the original assistant at Fengjie County's Falun Gong assistant center. He voluntarily helped local people to practice Falun Gong for many years.

Based on the Chongqing police analysis, the reason for the illegal arrest of Mr. Yu was because he had set up information sites at the risk of his own life, to reveal the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong to the Chinese people.

The media described how Mr. Yu met Falun Gong practitioner Tsao Huiling during his visit to Taiwan in April 1999. He met Mrs. Tsao as he often went to practice Falun Gong in Chiang Kai-shek's Memorial Hall during his visits to Taiwan. They both practiced very diligently, and also encouraged each other. It was not until the Jiang regime's overwhelming persecution of Falun Gong that Mr. Yu brought back to Fengjie the "Falun Gong materials" made in Taiwan, hoping that people in China could learn the truth about Falun Gong and realize that practitioners are good people.

Mr. Yu went to Taiwan again in 2001. He witnessed the healthy development of Falun Gong in Taiwan and overseas, and decided to lead the activity of revealing the truth in Fengjie County and his own neighborhood, which had a positive effect in improving people's attitudes towards Falun Gong and preventing them from being deceived by the Jiang regime's lies. Under his direction, about 30 Falun Gong practitioners began to reveal the facts of the persecution one after another to the general public.

According to the media report, Falun Gong practitioner Chuan-jia Feng brought an article that he wrote to Mr. Yu's house in early October 2001, so that Ms. Yu could take it to Taiwan on her next visit. [Editors Note: Because of the large number of Internet police, practitioners in China do not have the freedom to submit articles to Dafa websites. This is a method to overcome the Internet information blockade.]

Mr. Yu decided to post the articles as soon as possible. He put them in an envelope and labeled the address "To Sister Tsao Huiling, Hang Zhou S. Road, Taipei" [Sister and brother are common terms to refer to friends in China]. However, the letter would not reach its destination in Taiwan with such a vague address, so Mr. Yu put that envelop into another one, which was mailed to his nephew, Ms Chuan-Zhu Wang. It could then be handed over to Mrs. Tsao.

The media report stated that the article was then published on a Falun Dafa website on October 28.

During Mr. Yu's last visit to Taiwan in March and April 2002, he brought some Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials back to Fengjie County. Mr. Yu then distributed the materials to practitioners who could use them. Another practitioner, Chung-Qiong Liang, bought a compact photocopying machine especially to copy the truth-clarifying materials and to send them out in all possible ways so that people could know the truth about the worldwide spreading of Falun Dafa and the inhuman persecution by Jiang's criminal gang.

Based on the media description, Mr. Yu again met Mrs. Tsao while practicing Falun Gong exercises at Chiang Kai-shek's Memorial Hall on his last visit to Taiwan. Mrs. Tsao told Mr. Yu that Chuan-jia Feng's article had been published on the Internet, but she did not have it with her at that time. She promised to give it back to Mr. Yu when they practiced the exercises the following day.

After group practice the next morning, Mr. Yu mentioned to Mrs. Tsao the condition of Falun Gong practitioners in Fengjie County. Out of concern, Mrs. Tsao asked Mr. Yu to attend an experience sharing meeting later that night [experience sharing meetings are organized so that Falun Gong practitioners can talk about their experiences and understandings, in order to improve together -- there are 837 practice sites on the small island of Taiwan where each practitioner may share their experiences freely].

According to the media account, Mr. Yu made a call to his wife, Wenyi He, when waiting for a ship at Chao Tian Wharf, "I brought Dafa materials. I'll show you after I arrive home. It wasn't easy for me to break through each pass. The Customs didn't check me."

Being very sensible with his money in everyday life, Mr. Yu said on the phone, "I have an idea to bring a fax machine back to Chongqing, but it may be too heavy." Mrs. Wenyi He worried that it may be too heavy for him to carry the materials back home as he is 72 years old, so she persuaded him to buy one in Fengjie instead. He checked on the price in Chongqing, and explained, "the fax machine is to keep in contact with my nephew in Taiwan - we can get updated Falun Gong information with his help". In this way, Mr. Yu returned to Mainland China with the truth-clarifying materials.

Back in Fengjie, Mr. Yu brought leaflets, books and VCDs. He distributed the materials to practitioners who made many copies and went to distribute the materials in places such as Wanzhou and Wuxi. He also mailed the materials to places outside his hometown so that people could get to know the facts as quickly as possible.

This time, Chung-Qiong Liang purchased a compact photocopying machine to reproduce the materials. Utilising his computer knowledge, Xiao-Ping Ao reproduced additional Falun Gong VCDs.

On the morning of October 20 2002, an experience sharing conference was held at Chung-Qiong Liang's house. Ten practitioners attended, including Mr. Yu, Chuan-jia Feng, Wenyi He, and Xiao-Ping Ao. Xiao-Ping Ao took the lead in reading Teacher Li's new articles and experience sharing articles from other practitioners. Mr. Yu said that he would like everyone to practice cultivation more diligently, [to study the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance at a deeper level] and to practice the exercises well. Chuan-jia Feng emphasized that "practitioners go out to clarify the truth" and "Falun Gong is righteous."

[Postscript - Mr. Yu was afterwards arrested and his situation is currently unknown. At present, Jiang and Luo (Luo Gan is the head of the "610" office, an office specifically use to persecute Falun Gong) hold control over the media in Mainland China in order to block, twist and hide the truth. Many people, after years of political unrest during the Cultural Revolution have fortunately learned how to read and interpret the true meaning from the state controlled media in China.]
