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Summary of Other Articles and News - 1/2/2003

Jan. 5, 2003


Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

The following is taken from the article "Labor Camp Police Tortured Me until I Was Disabled, but They Could Not Shake My Heart from Firmly Cultivating Dafa (part 1)":

I was arrested in July 2000 because I went to Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa. I was sent to a forced labor camp, where I endured the cruelest torture. On the lunar New Year's Day of 2001, I spoke out for a fellow practitioner who was being tortured. As a consequence, more than 20 policemen twisted my arms, pressed my head down, and tied me to a metal pole. They shocked me with an electric baton for a long period of time. The police cursed at me loudly while shocking my neck, the back of my head, and each of my fingers, one at a time. Multiple places on my head were swollen, and my eyes were so swollen that there was only a tiny slit left. There were blisters all over my face, head, and neck. I lost control of my bladder after the torture, and I had to be cared for by my cellmate.

The following is taken from the article "Resisting the Evil and Validating Dafa in the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp":

I was illegally sent to the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp in Hunan Province in February 2001. Because we kept studying the Fa and doing the exercises, the policemen kicked us and cruelly beat us with electric batons and handcuffs. We went on hunger strike to protest the persecution, and then the police force-fed us. Some fellow practitioners' teeth were broken off. One fellow practitioner died from the force-feeding. Another practitioner died from the beating. Some other practitioners were sent to mental hospitals. On the lunar New Year's Eve of 2002, we destroyed a large pile of materials that slandered Falun Dafa in the 71st Team. The police were shocked to see this. We told them that those were all fabrications. We could not let them deceive the world's people and silence the truth. No matter what we do, we never cooperated with them. We let go of the fear of life and death, and we do not fear any evil.