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Latest News from China - 10/06/2003

Oct. 12, 2003


  1. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Personnel from the "610 Office*" Collaborate with Police to Arrest Several Dafa Practitioners and Take Them into Brainwashing Classes Prior to October 1st
  2. [Southern China] Dafa Practitioners Release Truth-Clarifying Banners Tied to Balloons
  3. [Taikang County, Henan Province] Dafa Practitioner Ye Hongchun is Taken Away by Masked, Plainclothes Policemen
  4. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Police Officers from the Hongweixing Prison Torment Dafa Practitioners with Sleep Deprivation
  5. [Southwest, China] Small Fa-Conference Held in Southwest China
  6. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Arrest of Sister Practitioners Li Xin'e and Li Jingyi at the Yaojia Detention Center
  7. [Dandong City, Liaoning Province] Transfer of Labor Camp-Inmate Practitioners into a Drug Rehabilitation Center
  8. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Dafa Practitioners Illegally Detained at Harbin City's Prison
  9. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] List of Names of Some Dafa Practitioners Who Are Illegally Detained at Jiamusi City Prison
  10. [Wei County, Hebei Province] Political and Security Section Chief for Wei County's Police Department and the head of the Xiqilihe Brigade Persecute Dafa Practitioners

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Personnel from the "610 Office*" Collaborate with Police to Arrest Several Dafa Practitioners and Take Them into Brainwashing Classes Prior to October 1st

Prior to October 1, 2003, personnel from Wuhan City "610 Office" collaborated with personnel from Wuhan City Police Department to rampantly arrest the Dafa practitioners named below:

1. Dafa practitioner Ms. Guo Ruihong from Jiang'an District was taken from home at night to the Jiang'an District's "Transformation Class."

2. Dafa practitioners Ms. Zheng Xiaoqi and Ms. Wu Dan were taken from their work place, the Wuhan City Jiang'an Vehicle Factory in front of many people by personnel from the Jiang'an District's "610 Office" who were collaborating with local police. Ms. Wu Dan resisted the evil persecution and thus suffered all kinds of torture. She has now been sent to Wuhan City's No.1 Women Detention Center.

Ms. Pu from Xibeihu Street, Jiang'an District, was taken away from home and her home was ransacked.

The Jiang'an District's brainwashing class has now transferred to a closed-down Smelting Factory's office in the Chenjiaji District.

610 Office*: an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

[Southern China] Dafa Practitioners Release Truth-Clarifying Banners Tied to Balloons

During the morning of October 1, 2003, in a southern China city, Dafa practitioners released dozens of big balloons and two hundred small balloons. The big balloons had several truth-telling banners tied to them. The truth-clarifying banners were made of red, yellow and blue cloth and written on them were sentences like, "Falun Dafa is Good," "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is Good," "Falun Dafa is the Orthodox Law," "Jiang Zemin Committed Genocide Against Dafa Practitioners; He will be Held Responsible," and "Jiang Zemin Sued for Genocide in the international courts." The small balloons were tied together with colorful handkerchiefs. This scene greatly shocked the evil.

[Taikang County, Henan Province] Dafa Practitioner Ye Hongchun is Taken Away by Masked, Plainclothes Policemen

In late July 2003, ordinary police and masked, plainclothes officers took away Dafa practitioner Ye Hongchun from Taikang County, Henan Province. He was put into a detention center for close monitoring. Right now he has again been transferred. His whereabouts are unknown.

Zhao Qingming, head of Taikang County "610 Office", 86-13193622627 (cell phone);

Taikang County "610 Office": 86-394-6822382;

Feng Jinlin, chief for the Political & Security Section: 86-13849435531 (cell), 86-394-6824658 (work);

Liu Laiquan, policeman for the Political & Security Section: 86-394-6830399.

[Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Police Officers from the Hongweixing Prison Torment Dafa Practitioners with Sleep Deprivation

The policemen from the Hongweixing Prison relentlessly torture Dafa practitioners. They don't allow practitioners to see their families for a long period of time. Recently, in order to force Dafa practitioners to give up cultivation, they torture and persecute Dafa practitioners by depriving them of their right to sleep. As the police strictly block information from being released to the outside, an investigation of the details continues.

[Southwest, China] Small Fa-Conference Held in Southwest China

On October 4, 2003, more than 20 practitioners from a Southwest region of China successfully held a Dafa conference. They recited "Lunyu" and "Hongyin," and sent forth righteous thoughts as a group. The practitioners also shared ideas about how to work together diligently to eliminate the local vicious brainwashing classes and how to break through selfishness. They had a clearer understanding after sharing ideas how to do the three things [study the Fa; clarify the facts, send righteous thoughts] after the sharing. They achieved the goal of helping each other to upgrade together as a whole body. They also had further understanding on eliminating evil interference at anytime, avoiding damage, and achieving an effective group impact.

[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Arrest of Sister Practitioners Li Xin'e and Li Jingyi

On August 15 2003, policemen from Dalian City's Zhongshan Precinct arrested practitioners Ms. Li Xin'e and her sister Ms. Li Jingyi from Dalian City, Liaoning Province and detained them at the Yaojia Detention Center. It was said that the police were going to sentence them to long-term imprisonment. Li Jingyi is in the jurisdiction of the Qingni Police Precinct, and Li Xin'e is in the Guilin Police Precinct. The trial, though, is being processed in the Jiefang Street Police Precinct.

Policeman in charge of the case: Wang Yi, Phone Number: 86-411-2634631, 86-411-3792032

[Dandong City, Liaoning Province] Transfer of Labor Camp-Inmate Practitioners into a Drug Rehabilitation Center

In early September of 2003, Dandong City Labor Camp in Liaoning Province started to transfer practitioners to a Drug Rehabilitation Center in Benxi City Forced Labor Camp without notifying practitioners' relatives. The detailed information is unknown. It was heard that some practitioners have staged a hunger strike.

Benxi City Labor Camp Drug Control Center: 86-414-4512080

[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Dafa Practitioners Illegally Detained at Harbin City's Prison

List of practitioners illegal sentenced to imprisonment:

Mr. Huang Shaobo (three years)

Ms. Li Xianglan (five years)

Ms. Sun Guiying and Ms. Zhang Baoying (five years)

Ms. Zou Cairong (two years)

Mr. Sun Libin and Mr. Dong Lingui (twelve years)

Mr. Liu Yanyun (two years)

When Zou Cairong and Liu Yanyun were sent to Harbin City Prison for the first time, they were rejected because their physical examinations were not satisfactory enough for them to qualify to stay there. But Jiamusi City officials still detained them at Jiamusi City Detention Center. On July 31, 2003, lawless officials again forcibly sent them, together with Li Xianglan and Zhang Baoying, to Harbin City's Prison. Li Xianglan has already been sentenced to forced labor and has been sent to Jamusi City Forced Labor Camp. Later, though, she was sent to a detention center and sentenced to five years of imprisonment on a fabricated charge.

[Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] List of Names of Some Dafa Practitioners Who Are Illegally Detained at Jiamusi City Prison

Jiamusi City: Zhang Zhengyuan, Liu Junhua, Sun Lifu, Wang Zhuang, Yang Yuanzhong and Duan (given name is unknown)

Hegang City: Fu Detian, Gao Zhonggen, Zhang Hengyuan, Zhang Yu, Di Huibin, Wang Guanglu, Li Zhigang, Li Jiangang, Liu Qingfu, Bi Hailin, Huang Shisheng, Wang Yafan, Zhang Shuping, Wang Jiuxi, Wang Dongxu, Wang Yongzhi, He Chongfeng, Zhang Hongrui and Su Qinghe

Yichun City: Zhang Yuansen, Geng Chuanjun, Zhu Cunxin, Chang Yuesheng, Chang Lichen, Guo Shuxue, Bao Yongsheng, Feng Guoqing, Yue Yangjun, Zhao Hongqing, Zhang Zhimin, Chen Feng, Wang Jibin, Xia You and Qin Yueming

Yilan City: Chen Jizhong

Dafa practitioners from Jiamusi City detained at the Xianglan Prison: Sun Dianshan and Zhang Puhe

[Wei County, Hebei Province] Political and Security Section Chief for Wei County's Police Department and the head of the Xiqilihe Brigade Persecute Dafa Practitioners

Wang (given name is unknown), Political and Security Section chief for Wei County's Police Department has helped arrest Dafa practitioners and has extorted Dafa practitioners' relatives of several thousand Yuan since July 20, 1999.

Liu Shangfu, head of the Xiqilihe Brigade in Weizhou Town, Wei County, Hebei Province, has followed Jiang's regime to relentlessly persecute Dafa practitioners since July 20, 1999. He detained a steadfast female Dafa practitioner at the village committee headquarters and began to torture her. At night, he turned off the light and ordered a group of vile people to brutally beat this Dafa practitioner. He had reported a Dafa practitioner who clarified the truth. In 2000, he brutally beat an elderly female Dafa practitioner detained at the Qilihe Brainwashing Class.

October 5, 2003

(Translated on October 7, 2003 from )