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Summary of Other Articles and News - 10/11/2003

Oct. 15, 2003


Facts of the Persecution

According to reliable sources, many Falun Gong practitioners were kidnapped and sent to Nanshan Prison in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. The practitioners sent there include Pan Ruosheng, Wu Zhanting, Zhang Huiyu, Xu Shoufu, Hu Jianguo, Zhang Guisheng, Li Baozhen, Cao Zhiyong, Xiao Jiwen, Li Hailin, Chen Hai, Zhang Shaofeng, Bai Hongwu, and Zhang Yuquan. The telephone number of Wang Liang, the head of Nanshan Prison is 86-416-3496003. His cell phone number is 86-13904163312.

Truth and People's Mind

1) In August, Zhao Hanwu, the vice head of Qianjiadian Town, Yanqin County of Beijing, arranged the kidnapping of Falun Gong practitioner Liu Chunshu. Liu was sent to a detention center after being brutally beaten. Liu's wife was also brutally beaten when she came to ask for justice. Several days later Zhao Hanwu felt discomfort all over his body. His temper changed. He threw things around, slapped himself and cursed at his wife. He sought treatments from both Western and Chinese Medicine. One local "witch" said that he had beaten people who should not be beaten and he had committed a big sin.

2) Saying Falun Dafa Is Good Everyday, a Cancer Patient Has Recovered: One man in his 40s in Beiguan, Weifang City, was diagnosed with serious cancer during his medical examination this year. One of his relatives who practices Falun Gong came to tell him that Falun Dafa is good, and asked him to say "Falun Dafa is Good" and "Zhen, Shan, Ren" (Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance) at home. He thought that he would die soon, so he followed the advice. Before long he went to the hospital again for examination. The cancer had disappeared. This miraculous news was widely spread in the area. Many people therefore believe in Dafa.

3) Recovered From A Stroke In Hospital After Listening to Falun Dafa Lectures Twice: I am the father of a Falun Dafa practitioner. Since 1999, being influenced by the overwhelming lies from Jiang's regime, I started to resist Dafa. I was against my daughter for practicing Falun Dafa. In May 2002, I suffered a stroke. Later the hospital sent the notice of critical condition. My daughter said: "Now only Falun Dafa can save your life." I listened to Teacher Li's lecture in Dalian. Before I had finished the second time I was completely recovered. Now I am healthy and energetic. Falun Dafa has given me all this.