(Clearwisdom.net) On Sunday November 9, practitioners in Stockholm held a peaceful appeal outside the Chinese Embassy. They performed the Falun Gong exercises and displayed photos of practitioners in China who has been tortured to death. There were also banners displaying information about the situation in Jilin Prison where several practitioners are in danger after abuse and mistreatment. Cars on their way to and from the embassy slowed down to read the information displayed on the banners and practitioners hoped that the information would reach the staff, who often do not know the true situation of Falun Gong in China. Foremost the practitioners wanted to show the Chinese regime that the world knows about what happens in China, despite their attempts to cover everything up.

Many people walking by stopped and expressed their support. Drivers honked their horns and waved. More and more people are learning the truth about Dafa and can see the evil nature of Jiang Zemin's crimes.

