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Latest News from China - 02/13/2003

Feb. 20, 2003


  • [Northeast China] Witnessing "the rotten ghouls are terrified within, despairing in their final days." ("The Net is Tightening")
  • [Laiwu City, Shangdong Province] Falun Dafa practitioner Yu Luping from Laiwu, Shangdong Province, is tortured at Jinan Female Labor Camp, and her life is in critical danger.
  • [Beijing, China] The unjust officials at the Beijing Cement Plant are persecuting the couple Yang Binghai and Yang Xiuling.

[Northeast China] Witnessing "The rotten ghouls are terrified within, Despairing in their final days." ("The Net is Tightening")

Recently the "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] of an enterprise in Northeastern China disclosed that employees are forbidden to surf the Minghui website now, though this was allowed in the past.

The evil regime of Jiang and Luo allowed surfing the Minghui website at the beginning, with the evil intention of persecuting Falun Gong. They did not expect there would be so many people learning about the truth and changing their attitude. Some of them started cultivating Dafa; others chose to be less active in the persecution by adopting a passive and resistant counter-policy. This made the evil very scared. It is obvious that the Minghui website plays a great role in frightening and suffocating the evil. This also testifies to, "The rotten ghouls are terrified within, Despairing in their final days." (from Teacher's article "The Net Is Tightening").

[Laiwu City, Shangdong Province] Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yu Luping from Laiwu, Shangdong Province, is tortured at Jinan Female Labor Camp, and her life is in danger.

Ms. Yu Luping, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Laiwu Steel General Factory in Gangcheng District, Laiwu City, together with Wang Chan, was arrested illegally by the police, and detained in Jining Labor Camp. After Wang Chan was tortured to death, Yu Luping was transferred by the police and detained illegally at Laiwu Labor Camp. Later she was detained at Jinan Female Labor Camp, where she was persecuted. Now she is very weak physically and her life is in danger; however, the labor camp still will not release her. Yu Luping has a son who is in high school and who has to live like an orphan.

[Beijing, China] The unjust officials at the Beijing Cement Plant are persecuting the couple Yang Binghai and Yang Xiuling.

Employees Yang Binghai and Yang Xiuling at the Beijing Cement Plant were both dismissed by the plant because they believe firmly in Falun Gong. It has been almost four years now, and the notice of their dismissal is still posted on the door of the plant.

The plant director: Shen Xingeng
Deputy director: Meng Tieshan
Party Secretary: Xiao Zhen

The telephone number of Beijng Cement Plant: 86-10-60755680
(transfer to the offices of the factory director and party secretary)