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A Trip to Europe Changed My Older Brother's Attitude Towards Dafa

Feb. 21, 2003


Because of the vicious slander fabricated by Jiang's gang of political scoundrels, many Chinese people don't know the truth about Falun Gong, even the family members of Dafa practitioners who are being persecuted. They cannot consider this issue from a just and fair viewpoint. Instead of resisting the evil together with practitioners, they even try to stop the practitioners from cultivating Falun Dafa, thinking this way they may help reduce the persecution of the practitioners and themselves. However they don't know that such a connivance with the evil harms their families as well as themselves.

My older brother is one such person. Whenever I told him about the true situation, he said: "Would you please talk about something else? Do you want to make trouble for the family?" Indeed, the family members of the Dafa practitioners suffered a lot under the evil persecution. But I hope our relatives can understand the truth and resist the evil persecution together with us. However it's very tough to persuade them.

Once, my brother traveled to Europe and he saw Dafa practitioners in "Falun Dafa is good" jackets there. When he came back, he told me: "You should see the foreigners! They wear jackets saying, "Falun-Dafa-is-good" in the street. This practice is good. You may practice in our home if you wish."

I know my brother is very lucky and this trip has changed his mind! I asked him: "Would you like to watch a truth-clarification video?" He used to not accept it, but this time he took it happily: "Give it to me!"