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To My Beloved Mother and All Detained Practitioners

Feb. 6, 2003


Yang Yueli
No. 3 Brigade
Beijing Female Forced Labor Camp
Daxing County, Beijing 102609
PR China

Dear Mom,

Snowflakes are falling again. It is time to celebrate yet another Chinese New Year, traditionally an occasion for family reunions.

Mom, during this entire year, we were not even able to talk on the phone to each other. Last year, just as the first snow kissed Beijing, police arrested you. They didn't even allow you to write a word of farewell to us. Now more than one year has passed. I am afraid to imagine what kind of torture you might have endured in the forced labor camp, and how desolate my former home, that provided me with so many joyful memories, might have become after police raided it.

Mom, my friends told me that you were the bravest and the most selfless mother in the world. When police asked you to sign the "Pledge of Repentance" [In this statement the practitioner is forced to admit remorse for practicing Falun Gong, promise to give up Falun Gong, and never again associate with other practitioners or go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong.], you refused with dignity, even though you understood that dark days of detention in a cell were forthcoming.

Now, I am far away at the other end of the world and am everyday bearing the torment of missing you. It gives me some feeling of relief to know that kind-hearted people are not forgetting our plight. You should know that the Foreign Minister of Canada wrote a letter to me expressing the Canadian government's concern for you and for thousands of Falun Gong practitioners who are now being persecuted. Ladies who I have never met before display your photo to collect signatures in support of you. Even in remote countries people display posters that tell your story in order to appeal for you. Newspapers and radio stations are carrying stories about you and are calling for justice. Now it is the time to celebrate the New Year. Looking back, I suddenly realize that I haven't yet said a word to express my gratitude to those who have helped us, those that I know, as well as those I have never met. However, as one who truly treasures compassion and helps to bring the brilliance of Truth, Compassion and Forbearance to more people, I fully understand this mission itself is the best reward I can give them.

It is New Year time now. Springtime is quietly approaching. Mom, this year I cannot even send you a card. Instead, I will write to the Clearwisdom.net website with all the words I wanted to say to you from my heart. Bless you and bless thousands that hold the faith of truth, compassion and forbearance. Bless all kind-hearted fellow Chinese.

Mom, we all await your return.

Xiao Dong
2003 Spring Festival
January 27, 2003

Yang Zhendong