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Latest News from China - 01/28/2003

Feb. 6, 2003


  • [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Shijiazhuang Detention Center Prohibits Families of Falun Dafa Practitioners from Sending Cash or Daily Necessities
  • [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Zhang Yunfeng and Sun from Changchun City Are Abducted, and their Whereabouts are Unknown
  • [Guangxi Autonomous Region] Conversation on the Street in Guangxi
  • [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Brief Messages from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province
  • [China] A Letter from an Imprisoned Falun Dafa Practitioner to Her Son

1. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Shijiazhuang Detention Center Prohibits Families of Falun Dafa Practitioners from Sending Cash or Daily Necessities

The Shijiazhuang Detention Center in Hebei Province has never allowed clothes or daily necessities to be sent to Falun Dafa practitioners by their families. Recently the families of practitioners have been banned from sending cash, because the authorities claim that other articles have also been brought in. This means that Falun Dafa practitioners do not have a change of clothes or money to purchase daily items. They have to live on a daily diet of diluted porridge and a bun and suffer from constant hunger. We call for attention and support from people who value justice, both in China and abroad.

2. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Zhang Yunfeng and Sun from Changchun City Are Abducted, and their Whereabouts are Unknown

Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Yunfeng has been steadfast in practicing Falun Dafa. He was placed under unlawful custody after going to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong in 2000. On January 4 of this year, Zhang was abducted from work. At the same time, police broke into the home of Dafa practitioner Sun and harassed him. The whereabouts of neither Zhang nor Sun is known at this time.

3. [Guangxi Autonomous Region] Conversation on the Street in Guangxi

Time: Early November 2002

Location: A City in Guangxi

A: Wow! Isn't it strange? How come "camouflaged military personnel" are watching the gate at the Party school?

B: Oh, you must have not heard about it yet. There are four guards at the door. One is from the police department, one from the "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems], and two from the military. There are more people deployed at major intersections and passes.

A: What's this for? Is it something important?

B: A 'study session' is being held for Falun Gong practitioners to force them to give up their belief. Practitioners call this a "brainwashing class." These practitioners either have been abducted and brought here or have been deceived by the police into coming on their own. Many sleep on the desks in the classroom, guarded by military personnel. Also, someone from the same company at which the practitioner works must accompany him or her around the clock.

A: What about a citizen's freedom of belief? How come they have been held for "brainwashing?"

B: That's because Falun Gong acknowledges the existence of God, which isn't in agreement with the atheism of the Communist Party. Falun Gong practitioners believe that everyone should abide by Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance. They also believe that doing good deeds or carrying out bad deeds is met with rewards or punishment respectively, and thus everyone should be a good person.

4. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Brief Messages from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province

Falun Dafa practitioner Deng Yunhong from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province has been secretly and unlawfully handed a five-year prison term. Ms. Deng has already been sent to the Harbin Women's Prison.

Li Jianlin is a Falun Dafa practitioner who lives in the Chengsancun area of the Rang District in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. He was abducted from work in late April 2002 by police officers in charge of his residential area. At the same time, his home was ransacked, and Falun Gong books and materials were found. He was then sent to the detention center and has remained in custody unlawfully. During his detention he has been transferred to several different facilities. Six months later, Mr. Li was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor "reeducation" and has already been sent to the Daqing Forced Labor Camp.

Liu Tongling is also a Falun Dafa practitioner living in the Chengsancun area of the Rang District in Daqing City. Ms. Liu was abducted on the morning of September 6, 2002. Her home was ransacked, and police officers manhandled her on the way to the Daqing City Detention Center, where she remained on a hunger strike in protest of the unlawful persecution. The guards incited other inmates to inhumanely torture and punish her. One month later, hardly able to walk due to leg injuries she had sustained, she was still sentenced to three years of forced labor "reeducation" and sent to the Harbin Rehabilitation Center for Drug Users. She was denied admission for failing the physical examination. Her family members know very well that Falun Dafa is good and have come to realize the evil nature of the Jiang's regime. They put all their efforts into securing Ms. Liu's release. After continued attempts by her family members, Ms. Liu walked out of the prison and returned home with honor and dignity.

5. [China] A Letter from an Imprisoned Falun Dafa Practitioner to Her Son

To hold great passions and confidence in living is a kind of transcendent sincerity and generosity, and also a kind of maturity and wisdom in being able to face life as it is. As long as one is equipped with this attitude toward life, which is as light as the drifting clouds and as pleasant as the blossoming flowers, whatever difficulties or misfortunes we have will only serve as a stairway leading toward peaceful blessings.

Best wishes to you in your studies and life.

From a far away place,

Noon, November 24, 2002