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Practitioner Named Qi Tortured to Death at the Shili Detention Center in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province

March 11, 2003


In May 2002, a Dafa practitioner with the surname Qi, who was illegally detained at the Shili Detention Center in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, died after being forced to do high intensity hard labor. We hope that people in the know can provide more detailed information.

Some phone numbers for related officials:

Jiujiang City Government: 86-792-8223172
Mayor's Office: 86-792-8112345
Jiujiang City Police Department: 86-792-8222020
Lushan Branch of Jiujiang City Police Department: 86-792-8251045
Jiujiang City People's Congress: 86-792-8585839
Jiujiang City Judiciary Bureau: 86-792-8582855
Shili Township, Jiujiang City: 86-792-8251026
Director of Shili Detention Center: 86-792-8251200

Traffic Police Brigade of Nanchang City Police Department, Jiangxi Province:
Telephone: 86-791-6222943
Address: Erqibei Rd., Xihu District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, 330003

Xiushui County Police Department in Jiujiang City
Telephone: 86-792-7221582
Address: Yining Town, Xiushui County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, 332400