(Clearwisdom.net) Yellow Express is an 8-piece band from Sweden. They recently completed their first single, "Walk On!" The song is in English and played on acoustic instruments: piano, flute, violin, accordion, guitar, percussion, drums and bass. Members of Yellow Express are concerned about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and this song is about the abuses of human rights that are occurring in China at the moment.
You can listen or download the song for free at:
Text in the sleeve of the single
During my three trips to China (between the years 1996 and 1999) I met many Chinese Falun Gong practitioners. Their pure minds and unselfish behaviour made a very strong impression on me. After the persecution of Falun Gong started I often wondered what happened to the friends that I'd met. Have they suffered from torture? Are they still alive? Why are such good people being persecuted? I just could not understand. A man I met on every trip to China was Lin Chengtao, a successful scientist in Beijing. He has now suffered a mental collapse as a result of intense torture in Tuanhe Labour Camp, Beijing. This case is, however, only one of many.
Why this persecution? It's all because of one man's jealousy. Jiang Zemin (sued for genocide in the USA) couldn't stand the popularity of Falun Gong so he initiated this campaign in 1999. Many Chinese people were fooled by his vicious propaganda about Falun Gong.
In the song "Walk On!" I am trying to reach you who are reading this right now. I hope you can understand the severity, urgency and extent of this persecution, which is aimed at 100 million people! Falun Gong practitioners suffer mental and physical torture, brainwashing, and sexual abuse. They are disfigured with wooden batons and electric cattle prods. When they protest this barbaric treatment, they are force-fed with toxic liquids; even those mixed with human faeces and urine.
The absurdity in all this is that Falun Gong practitioners' main goal in life is to become a better and a healthier person, and follow the principles of Falun Gong: Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. Isn't this in fact what this chaotic world needs today?
Anders Eriksson, singer/songwriter in Yellow Express
Walk On
They put my wife into prison. They beat her up until she
went insane. It reminds me of the time way back then, of all the sorrows, and so much pain. I can see Yellow River is turning to red. So many tortured and thousands are dead. Chorus Some worn out shoes. That's all I own. And I've been walking all night long. China, what's gone wrong? Yeah I wonder what's gone wrong. The road is long to Tiananmen Square, but I don't mind I will make it there. And tell the whole wide world our leader's wrong in persecuting Falun Gong Well the Tai Shan Mountain, is shedding it's tears. Seen so much violence for thousands of years Chorus Some worn out shoes. That's all I own. And I've been walking all night long. China, what's gone wrong? Yeah I wonder what's gone wrong. Walk on, walk on! People, wake up from the illusion! Walk on, walk on, walk on! Stop the persecution! Read in Chinese: "As one body we have been walking thousands and thousands of miles. We have been walking through the major cities in the world. We have been walking for our freedom and for our human rights. "We have been walking to Beijing and to Tiananmen Square. We have stood up for Zhen Shan Ren. For that we have been punished. "But we will never give up. We will keep on walking until the persecution is over. Stop the persecution!" Chorus Walk on, walk on! People, wake up from the illusion! Walk on, walk on, walk on! Stop the persecution! |
Article from: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200303/10909.html