March 15, 2003
- [Jilin City, Jilin Province] The Jilin City Intermediate Court Illegally Sentences Four Dafa Practitioners
- [Jingyuan County, Gansu Province] Dafa Practitioner Song Guoli Illegally Arrested and Sent to the Pingantai Forced Labor Camp
- [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Several Dafa Truth Clarification Material Sites Destroyed by Police
- [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Female Dafa Practitioners Lu Yazhen and Feng Meichao Are Arrested
- [Beijing] Internet Bars Strictly Supervised by TV Monitors
- [Mianyang City, Sichuan Province] Dafa Practitioners Congratulate the Founding of Overseas Falun Dafa Associations
- [Northeast China] Dafa Practitioners Mature With Determination
- [Heshui County, Gansu Province] Dafa Practitioners Xu Feng and Ma Yuling Detained at Heshui County Forced Labor Camp
- [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Authorities Secretly Coerce Taxi Drivers to Report Dafa Practitioners
1. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] The Jilin City Intermediate Court Illegally Sentences Four Dafa Practitioners
Four Dafa practitioners who were actively clarifying the truth of Dafa to people were secretly sentenced to prison. Details as follows:
Wang Shiming, 12 years, stripped of party rights for two years.
Pan Zhaotian, 9 years, stripped of party rights for one year.
Liu Fenfrong, stripped of party rights for two years.
Qu Xiaodong, 5 years imprisonment.
The officials involved in the court trial include:
Presiding judge: Guan Xuying
Judge: Lu Xuewen
Representative judge: Gao Xueqing
Court clerk: Liang Jianzhong
2. [Jingyuan County, Gansu Province] Dafa Practitioner Song Guoli Illegally Arrested and Sent to the Pingantai Forced Labor Camp
Minghui Net (Chinese Version of Clearwisdom Net) reported that policemen Pan Qianrui and Ding Shanghe arrested Dafa practitioner Song Guoli. The policemen did not allow anyone including Song's family to visit him. Now according to a reliable source, Song Guoli had been sent to the first forced labor camp of Gansu Province, and Song's family was not even informed.
3. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Several Dafa Truth Clarification Material Sites Destroyed by Police
At the end of February 2003, Dafa practitioner Zhang Ce was arrested. In the past few days, the police destroyed six Dafa truth clarification material sites related to him. Among the six sites, the one at Jiangbei was searched and damaged, where Dafa practitioner Xiaojun was illegally arrested, his wife and another Dafa practitioner Lei Ming jumped out of the building to avoid being arrest, one died, and one was injured. Several machines were taken away. The Huayuan Street site was damaged. Dafa practitioner Kong Fanzhe jumped out of the building to avoid being arrested, and died. Another two Dafa practitioners were illegally arrested, and the equipment was taken away. At about 4 p.m. on March 10, 2003, Dafa practitioner Yu Zhongqiu from the Xiangfang District was arrested. On the evening of March 13, 2003, two Dafa practitioners were arrested when they met with each other. Several other sites with which Zhang Ce had relationships were also destroyed one after another.
4. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Female Dafa Practitioners Lu Yazhen and Feng Meichao Are Arrested
On March 28, 2003, policemen arrested Lu Yazhen and Feng Meichao when they were out clarifying the truth of Dafa to people. Their homes were also searched.
5. [Beijing] Internet Bars Strictly Supervised by TV Monitors
Recently, Internet bars in Beijing are being controlled more and more tightly. Mangers in the bars register the customers' IDs. At the same time, TV monitors were on at both the counter and the doors. Internet surfers are videotaped automatically. The "internet guard" patrols back and forth, and checks what the surfers are doing. When a surfer is allocated to a machine, his or her name is registered again. The purpose is to check if the ID is real, and to record the details of what one has done on a certain computer. By chatting with the owner of internet bars, we got to know that all the machines in the bars now have key word blocking software, if any sensitive words are found, the software would give a warning automatically, but not all bars have key word blocking software.
6. [Mianyang City, Sichuan Province] Dafa Practitioners Congratulate the Founding of Overseas Falun Dafa Associations
Dafa practitioners in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province congratulate the founding of the Moscow City Falun Dafa Association, Rybinsk City Falun Dafa Association in Yaraslafli, Russia, St. Petersburg Branch of the Rybinsk City Falun Dafa Association, and the Philippine Falun Dafa Association!
March 15, 2003, all Dafa practitioners in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province
7. [Northeast China] Dafa Practitioners Mature With Determination
On March 10, 2003, about 70 Dafa practitioners successfully held an experience sharing conference at a place in Northeast China. During the conference period, Dafa practitioners were tailed and checked. Police cars parked close to the conference site. Dafa practitioners negated the arrangements made by the old forces with their righteous thoughts.
8. [Heshui County, Gansu Province] Dafa Practitioners Xu Feng and Ma Yuling Detained at Heshui County Forced Labor Camp
Last October, Clearwisdom Net reported the news that Xu Feng and Ma Yuling were illegally detained. They are still being held at the Heshui County Forced Labor Camp, Qinyang Administrative Prefecture, Gansu Province. Fellow overseas Dafa practitioners, please write letters and make phone calls to help get them released.
Phone of the Heshui County Public Security Bureau: 86-934-5521212, Zip Code: 745000
9. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Authorities Secretly Coerce Taxi Drivers to Report Dafa Practitioners
Recently, the Jinlin City "610 Office" [a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches], Public Security Bureau, and the State Security Bureau secretly ordered all taxi drivers and the bus company to report any Dafa practitioners clarifying the truth of Dafa in a taxi or on a bus with Dafa truth materials, if they report these practitioners to the police, and they would receive a reward.