As the time of Charles so called trial was approaching, we in Toronto felt we hadn't done enough to bring awareness to society so we decided to hold a press conference outside the American consulate.?
On Tuesday morning we held a press conference right in front of the U.S. consulate in Toronto. There were about 30 practitioners lined up neatly and peacefully on the sidewalk to the south of the building. We were met by Federal officers and City officers who all expressed their support for our cause. They told us we have a great reputation for our cooperation and peaceful appeals in the city.
The Toronto police said that no one is allowed to appeal in front of the consulate because of the close proximity and safety issues, however they allowed us to continue with our press conference.
When the press conference was finished we asked a federal officer to help us present a letter to the Consul General or a representative. He couldn't promise anything but he said he would try. We waited outside for about 20 minutes. The officer then appeared with another man. This man was the Deputy Consul General for Public Affairs. He greeted us warmly and was curious why we were there. We told him we were here to help support the U.S. to rescue Charles Li. We also told him the urgency of the situation and about the show trial on Friday. He told us he would read our letter. He also stated that he realized the importance and that the safety of a fellow American was most important. We feel there was a definite respect felt from the Deputy Consul General towards us. We could tell he felt very comfortable with our presentation.
A few of us have discussed and shared our understandings of the true meaning of being within the Fa.áIn this hectic speed of Fa rectification we cannot lose sight of the importance of actually applying the simplistic but most profound principles of "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance" into our lives.áWhen we truly apply the basic principles of "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance" and kindly think of others first, we truly feel the power of Dafa.?
The Deputy Consul General understood that we were thinking of him and of the American people. We cared enough to be there to express our concern and ask for help.?
Some of us are concerned that if we choose to do our events in a somewhat unusual time, location or format it may cause misinterpretations.áWe felt that we indeed needed to give special attention to our message to make sure that it was right and clear. We also realized that when we truly apply the principle of "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance" and consider other's understanding and feelings, our "unusual" events or actions will serve to bring our audience closer to us, closer to the truth andácloser to Dafa. When we truly apply the principles of "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance" into every situation we don't need to have fear in our heart about our actions for truth clarifications being misunderstood.
We learned that we should definitely share our thoughts and particularly our concerns regarding other practitioners' projects and ideas, but when doing so we should also apply the principles of "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance" into our conversations and be compassionate and understanding and not draw judgmental conclusions. We must trust our fellow practitioners that they will walk their paths well.?
And when we are truly responsible to Dafa, to our fellow practitioners and to ourselves, we will take all practitioners words, comments and concerns into consideration and do all necessary adjustments based on Dafa's requirements within "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance". This way we can surely handle things well and also make full use of all opportunities to clarify the truth to save people.
Category: Journeys of Cultivation