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Practitioners Clarify Truth To Consul General of India's Mission To the UN in Geneva

March 25, 2003

A meeting with the Consul General of India's mission in Geneva took place on the 14th of March. Two Indian practitioners met with him to clarify the truth about Dafa. The meeting lasted for about half an hour.

He mentioned that practitioners had met with him before, but that this was the first time Indian practitioners had met with him, so he was interested in learning more.

He was aware of Falun Dafa and its persecution in China, but he had some questions about Dafa. He asked several questions like,

1. Every year so many practitioners gather in Geneva, and the parade is really good. He asked how Falun Gong is different from other practices in India.

We explained that there are many practices like Yoga etc, which are limited to healing and fitness. Many other philosophies have good principles, but are hard to put into practice. Falun Gong is different because, the people who practice it, can easily follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance in their daily lives. By practices the exercises, and reading the books, Falun Gong practitioners are assimilating to these principles.

2. What is the reason behind the persecution?

In China, since the introduction of Falun Gong, the number of people who practiced grew to 100 million by the end of 1998 according to a survey conducted by the Chinese government. Jiang Zemin felt this was a threat to his power. Party ideology doesn't support these kinds of practices, because they are afraid that people may develop independent thinking, and will not be in their control.

3. How many Indians practice Falun Gong?

There are about 20 Indians practicing in the United States. The exact count is not known. In India, there are a few hundred practicing Falun Gong.

He was not aware that Falun Gong was being practiced in India. We gave him, the Falun Gong in India report. He went over the report and came to know about the practice in India.

4. He asked if we knew the practitioners in Geneva, and how practitioners communicate between themselves? He also asked who organize the conference, and where will it take place?

We explained that European Falun Dafa Association is organizing the conference. They sent it to the Assistants in each area, from where we get the information. We do not have direct contacts with the practitioners in Geneva. Only after coming to Geneva, we get to know the local practitioners and the location of the conference. The conference location will be announced in the last minute, to avoid interference from the Chinese government.

5. He asked about the local practice in each area,the practice sites and assistants, and if there is any rule to practice the exercises, and if there is only one Master or practitioners can also become Masters?

Practitioners in each area gather together to do the exercises and read the books. There is no fees to learn the exercises, and anyone can teach it voluntarily. There is no rule to practice the exercises, and can be done based on one's own convenience. We also mentioned that the books and local contacts are available on the website. The main book of Falun gong is Zhuan Falun, and is available on the website. There is only one Master, and that is Master Li Hongzhi. No one else can become Master. All others are practitioners, who practice the principles of Falun Gong.

6. He asked how we get money to travel to Geneva and attend the conference and appeal at the UN?

We explained that because we practice Falun Gong, we are concerned about our fellow practitioners in China, suffering from the torture of the persecution. We and all practitioners spend our own money and time, and travel to Geneva to appeal to the UN, to ask for their support and ask them to stop this vicious persecution against Falun Gong in China.

We gave him the Falun Gong Report and showed him how practitioners are being tortured in China.

When we asked if India can express its support at the UN, he said that the Indian government understands that Falun Gong is good, and persecution is not right. Even though the Chinese government had sent them some anti-Falun Gong material, they were not affected by it. We said we wanted the Indian government to know the truth about Falun Gong, and make the right decision.