4th March 2003
Rt Hon Tony Blair MP
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
United Kingdom
Dear Prime Minister,
I am a French citizen and a practitioner of Falun Dafa, a traditional meditation practice based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Please allow me to raise my concern over the case of Mrs. Lili Lin. This young lady, also a practitioner of Falun Dafa, has asked for political asylum in your country. Her asylum was refused, but she never had a chance to appeal because of an administrative mix-up regarding her address. Therefore, she risks being sent back to China at any time. You must be well aware of the terror awaiting her and her unborn child if this was to happen (she is six weeks pregnant). Indeed, Jiang's regime has been violently persecuting the practitioners of Falun Dafa since July 1999. He imprisons, tortures and kills all those who refuse to renounce their peaceful belief in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.
Jiang and the 610 Office have mobilized all the State machinery and used the most modern techniques to defame Falun Dafa, and even spread lies abroad to incite hatred on a large scale.
For his own motives, Jiang scorns national and international laws with
impunity. The vast majority of the Chinese population suffers terribly from this
persecution. We don't have any political agenda; we merely seek to protect Falun
Dafa and those who practice it. We cannot watch without doing anything while
basic human rights are trampled.
We think it would be regrettable for a democratic country to deport a woman who
has always behaved righteously to a country where her life and that of her
unborn child would be threatened simply for her practice of Falun Dafa. We
humbly ask you from the bottom of our hearts to reconsider Mrs. Lili Lin's case
and allow her to live peacefully with her husband in the United Kingdom.
Thank you for your attention to this most important concern.
Yours sincerely,
Spokesperson for the French Falun Gong Association
Category: April 25 Events