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Summary of Other Articles and News - 02/23/2003

March 8, 2003


Focusing On Hong Kong

Taiwan Falun Gong practitioners were denied entry into Hong Kong recently: Over ten Falun Gong practitioners from south Taiwan were denied entry into Hong Kong by the authorities at the Hong Kong airport, and they were detained for several hours. When asked why they could not enter the country, Hong Kong officials said: "No reason. It's an order from the upper level. We are just helpless clerks." When asked: "Is it because we are Falun Gong practitioners?" They nodded seriously, and then silently lowered their heads. Ms. Lin Yingxue, a business manager at a company in Tainan, was picked up by four policemen and carried into a room. An elderly person in his/her seventies was denied entry on the pretext of "security reasons."

Truth About Persecution

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] On November 17, 2001, officers from the Jincheng Public Security Bureau Branch, together with police officers from the Yingchun street police station, a total of at least ten people, abducted me from my work unit and took me to the police station, where I was tortured for about 8 hours. On the lunar February 2, 2002, police officers from the Baiju street police station in the Chaoyang District illegally seized me, and tortured me for about 10 hours. I went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal treatment, and eventually my health deteriorated into a critical state. However, the police shirked their responsibilities and refused to pay the cost of emergency medical treatment for me.

[Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Tuo Wenxia, a teacher from the Beifang Middle School was illegally arrested and detained four times. On April 23, 2002, she was forced to leave her home to avoid further persecution. Her family phone was tapped, and the Mudanjiang City "610 office" [a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches] ordered Tuo Wenxia's company to suspend her salary. Her husband Niu Guoxue (not a Falun Gong practitioner) was illegally abducted to the Aiming Public Security Branch twice. Her university student daughter Niu Xiaona suffered from diseases during her school term. After she practiced Falun Gong, her health improved, but she was still unable to walk. On March 5, 2000, she asked her fellow Falun Gong practitioners to carry her on their backs to Beijing to appeal. She was escorted back to the Xiangyang police station, Mudanjiang City. The police extorted 200 Yuan from her father before she was allowed to go home.

Open Forum

[Hong Kong] The blue paper draft of the Hong Kong Article 23 legislation has been announced. Under public pressure, the government has defined a few crimes more specifically, but they have also added a provision called 'trial by default' which violates people's human rights.

As Michael C. Davis, a professor in the Department of Government and Public Administration in the Chinese University of Hong Kong pointed out, 'trial by default' violates the basic fair rule of the law, and it removes the opportunity for the petitioner and the representative attorney to rebut legal charges. Davis thinks it is a pretext for introducing 'trial by default' in cases of treason or 'subversion of the government'. He pointed out that it showed the Hong Kong government is trying every way to introduce the toughest legal provisions from different countries to make Hong Kong a place with the most evil laws in the world.

[Institute of the Acoustics and Sound, the Chinese Academy of Sciences] A letter to the 'researchers' at the so-called world-leading level regarding the Falun Gong information blocking system developed by the Institute of Acoustics and Sound: the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (http://www.upholdjustice.org) reserves the right to investigate what you have done. We will inform all the linguistic scholars, the chief editors of all the linguistic magazines, and all of the organizers of the international linguistic conferences about your academic immorality in creating the Falun Gong information blocking system, which is also contrary to the Chinese constitution. Your wrongdoing will be told to the conference participants when you take part in international conferences. We will investigate and seek legal redress over your actions.