
Italian Dafa practitioners recently visited a school in Venice to introduce Falun Dafa to the pupils and staff. One practitioner painted the Chinese characters "Zhen -- Shan -- Ren" (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance) for the schoolchildren. Practitioners told the staff members of the school about the persecution of Falun Dafa that is occurring in China today, and how the Jiang regime has used wicked and illegal means to suppress practitioners.

The Italian practitioners were asked to help three young children who had just arrived from China and got the opportunity to tell the real story about Falun Dafa to the children's parents. In China, the nation's media is controlled by the Jiang regime and is used as a tool to slander Falun Dafa and cover the persecutory actions of Jiang and his cronies. This was a precious opportunity for these Chinese children and their parents to learn the truth.

Article from: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200304/11580.html