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Summary of Other Articles and News - 04/14/2003

April 19, 2003


Practitioners Exchange Insights

Some understandings from taking the bus :

Before the Chinese Lunar New Year, I took a bus to a village to handle some affairs. Afterwards, I went to the entrance of the village to wait for the bus to return home. One hour went by but the bus did not come. I asked an elderly lady, who came to throw out some garbage, about the buses. She told me that I would definitely catch a bus if I could walk a few miles ahead. I was tired and did not go. Another hour passed by, but the bus still had not come. Once again, I asked an elderly gentleman about the bus. He said, "The longer you wait, the less likely the bus will come and even less likely you will be able to go home." I suddenly realized that this was a hint from Master. That is, on the way home, one should not wait nor halt. I immediately walked forward, and the bus came as soon as I had taken just a few steps.

Another time, I took the bus to go to a village 30 miles away to do some Dafa work. I planned to take the same bus to return after I finished the work. However, after I got the work done, I was already 20 minutes late to catch the bus. Unexpectedly, the bus had also been delayed about 20 minutes as something had occurred on its way back to that place. As long as we wholeheartedly put the Fa as the first priority, Master will arrange everything for us.

Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

It was my steadfastness in Dafa and my righteous faith in Master that enabled me to break through a desperate situation:

In 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong but was consequently abducted by police officers. I was successively held in a detention center, a drug rehabilitation center and a forced labor camp until January 16, 2003, when I was released. During my imprisonment, I endured various cruel tortures. I was violently beaten for a long time, brutally force-fed, and shocked by electric batons with a voltage of over 150,000 volts. I was also stripped in the cold weather and deprived of sleep for seven consecutive days and nights. I also witnessed a Falun Gong practitioner being tortured to death. Throughout the detention I never cooperated with the police, but just strengthened my belief. My determination in Dafa and righteous faith in Teacher was the most crucial thing that enabled me to break the more than three years of the inhuman persecution and to survive many tribulations.

A Hubei Dafa practitioner's experience of resisting the persecution three times in a detention center:

Previously, I suffered from many kinds of illnesses, and I had been under various types of treatment for 16 years. In February 1997, I had the good fortune of starting cultivation in Dafa, and all of my illnesses disappeared without any medical treatment. After July 20, 1999, I was illegally arrested and detained three times. Each time, I resolutely resisted the persecution, and openly and nobly walked out of the police station. In July 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa, but was unlawfully detained for 45 days. In the twelfth month of the lunar year in 2000, I was abducted and sent to a police station. All of my family members, young and old, went to the police station to request my release. My 70-year-old father berated them, saying: "My son practices Falun Gong and tries to be a good person, but you repeatedly harass him. Which law did he break? We request you to release him, but you just refuse with all sorts of excuses. Even during the Chinese New Year, you don't allow him to go home. Today, I'm ready to risk my life to deal with you." The director of the police station was shocked and set me free in the afternoon.

In June 2001, the local police once again arrested me without reason. I did not cooperate with any of their requests. They tortured me and sentenced me to one year and three months of forced labor. During my imprisonment in the labor camp, I suffered all kinds of torture from both the inmate heads and the jail guards. However, I never stopped studying the Fa, practicing the exercises or clarifying the truth to the criminal inmates. This allowed more people to learn the facts regarding Dafa.

Facts of the Persecution

Some practitioners' family members in Shandong Province wrote the following report to support the lawsuit against Jiang:

The Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Dafa has lasted more than three years. Over the past three years, our family members and relatives have endured the cruel persecution and the extremely unjust treatment. As family members of Dafa disciples, we have also suffered tremendous losses both physically and mentally. We have nowhere to go to redress the injustice. Here, we want to deliver this letter to the United States federal district court, as a statement to support the lawsuit against Jiang.

The brainwashing center in Tangchang Town, Pi County, Sichuan Province illegally held about 60 to 70 Falun Gong practitioners. The police beat practitioners, locked them in small cells, left them to freeze in cold weather, and did not provide them with enough food. Falun Gong practitioners were forced to sleep on the concrete floor for a long period of time and had money extorted from them.

Various means used by the Chaoyang Police Station in Yanji City, Jilin Province to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners:

They set traps for practitioners and ransack their homes; they hang practitioners up and violently beat them, and they force practitioners to sit on the "Tiger Bench."* They took out Master's photos and forced practitioners to step on them. They forced practitioners to remain standing for a long period of time and used snow or cold water to freeze practitioners. They deprived practitioners of sleep for several days at a time and did not provide them with food. They even used plastic bags to cover practitioners' heads, which made it extremely difficult to breathe.

*Tiger Bench: Practitioners are forced to sit on a small iron bench that is approximately 20 cm (6 inches) tall with their knees tied together. With their hands tied behind their backs or sometimes placed on their knees, they are forced to sit straight up and look straight ahead. They are not allowed to turn their heads, close their eyes, talk to anyone or move at all. Several inmates are assigned to watch over the practitioners and force them to remain motionless while sitting on the bench. Usually some hard objects are inserted underneath the practitioners' lower legs or ankles to make it harder for them to tolerate this abuse.