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The Facts of the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners Xu Yong and Zhou Guoqiang in Chibi City, Hubei Province

April 19, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Dafa practitioner Xu Yong, male, around 28 years old, worked for the Pufang Group in Chibi City, Hubei Province. Because he practiced Falun Dafa, Xu Yong was put into criminal detention in 2000 after he was arrested on his way to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. Later he was released because his physical examination showed that he had an illness. At the end of 2000, he was arrested again when he was clarifying the truth; subsequently, he was sentenced to forced labor. After his release his workplace put him into the Pufang Group Hospital's mental section, to be further persecuted (he was never sent home). This way, he was illegally detained for about a year. He was released for a few days, but then they continued to lock him up in a mental hospital where he is to this day.

Dafa practitioner Zhou Guoqiang, male, around 32 years old, worked for the China Industry and Commerce Bank, Lushuihu Liumiqiao Branch in Chibi City, Hubei Province. He went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in November 1999. Because he practiced Falun Gong exercises on Tiananmen Square, he was sent back to his hometown. Afterwards he was put into criminal detention by persons from the Chibi City Police Department and then illegally sentenced to one and a half year of forced labor in the Shayang Farm. Because Zhou continued to practice Falun Gong, the authorities added another six months to his sentence. After his time was up, he was released but he wasn't allowed to go home. He was detained at Chibi City Police Department because he intended to keep on practicing Dafa. He has since been locked up in Chibi City First Detention Center and has still not been released.
