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The Chen Family's Ordeal: Brother and Sister Tortured to Death, Other Family Members Detained

April 19, 2003


The Chens are a family from Canfangying Village, Beixinpu Township, Huailai County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. All six people in the Chen family had the good fortune to become Dafa practitioners. They are: father, Chen Yunchuan (age 63); mother, Wang Lianying (age 61); elder sister, Chen Shulan (36); elder brother, Chen Aizhong (age 33); younger brother, Chen Aili (age 35); and younger sister, Chen Hongping (age 32).

After July 1999, when Jiang's regime started to persecute Falun Dafa, the Chens firmly cultivated and validated Dafa. They went to Beijing to appeal many times and were persecuted severely. Chen Aizhong was illegally sentenced to 2 years of forced labor re-education in early 2001. He was sent to the Zhangjiakou City Labor Camp. Because he had many injuries, the labor camp refused to accept him. He was then taken back to the Huailai County Detention Center. Later his sentence was changed from 2 years to 3 years, and on September 12, 2001, he was taken to the First Labor Camp in Tangshan City. He passed away on September 20, 2001 as a result of wounds inflicted during torture.

Chen Hongping was illegally sentenced to 3 years of forced labor "re-education." She was detained at the Gaoyang Labor Camp in Baoding City, Heibei Province on June 1, 2001. She was tortured to death on March 5, 2003.

Chen Yunchuan and Chen Aili were illegally sentenced to 2 years of forced labor "re-education" in early 2001, and were jailed at the Tatangwan Prison in Zhangjiakou City. Now their terms have expired but they are still being detained there.

Wang Lianying and Chen Shulan were arrested in Changping City on September 16, 2002. Wang Lianying was transferred to the Huailai County Police Department, and Chen Shulan was transferred to the 7th Division of the Beijing Police Department.

The whereabouts of Chen Yunchuan, Chen Aili, Wang Lianying, and Chen Shulan are unknown. We hope that people who know of their situation can provide more detailed information.

Previous reports about the Chen family are available on Clearwisdom.net:




Responsible parties and their telephone numbers:

Huailai County Detention Center: 86-313-6235362
Beixinpu Township Government: 86-313-6841019
Beixinpu Township Police Station: 86-313-6841011
Huailai County Police Department: 86-313-6234170
Gaoyang Labor Camp: 86-312-6816458
