Today’s Articles
April 7, 2003
About Dafa
- Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin: on April 14, the Plaintiffs' Attorney Will Respond to Issues Posed at the Preliminary Hearing of January 13, 2003
- We Should Pay Serious Attention to the Lawsuit Against Jiang
- Some Personal Understandings of "Taking Hardship as Pleasure" and "Tests and Tribulations"
- Mighty Virtue Is Established In the Process of Denying Old Forces' Arrangements
- Dafa is Solid Like Diamond and Immutable, and Should Be First and Foremost In Our Hearts
- Canadian Member of Parliament Keith Martin Urges Canadian Government to Call for the International Scrutiny and Condemnation of China's Human Rights Violations
- Radio Free Asia: European Union Representatives Show Concern for the Widespread Violation of Human Rights in China
- Dafa Practitioner Liu Qingjiu from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province Dies from Long-Term Persecution (Phone Numbers Included)
- Facts About Death by Torture of Wu Guoliang, A Teacher at Huludao City High School (Phone Numbers Attached)
- Many Falun Dafa Practitioners Sentenced to Long Prison Terms in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province
- A Lawyer from Spain: A New Light in My Life
- Celebrating the New Year
- A Western Practitioner's Experience Clarifying the Truth by Maintaining a Stall in a City in Germany
- Falun Dafa Practitioners Around the World Congratulate the Establishment of the Greek Falun Dafa Association
- Japan: Osaka Dafa Practitioners Appeal in Front of the Chinese Consulate, Demanding the Immediate Release of Yoko Kaneko (Photo)
- Falun Dafa Association of Guadeloupe Writes to Japanese Foreign Minister On Behalf of Yoko Kaneko
- Clarifying the Truth during "Human Rights Week" at the University of North Carolina (Photos)
- Video: FGM TV News - 03/18/2003
- Music Video: Rescue Charles Li
- Latest News from China - 04/02/2003
- 90 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void
- Hengshui City Policeman in Charge of Blocking the Internet Dies Suddenly
- Washington Post: China's Slow Reaction to Fast-Moving Illness