Written on 4/22/2003
Falun Dafa volunteers joined the Earth Day Celebration in Spokane, Washington on Saturday, April 19th. This is our 4th year taking part in this event. People who do the organizing work for the event are now very familiar with us, and they were pleased that we returned once again. A huge banner saying "Falun Dafa, Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance" was hung from the stage this year. We were invited to go onstage to speak, and introduce Falun Dafa to the audience.
It was a bright, sunny day in Spokane. Practitioners took turns demonstrating the 5 exercises, and sending forth righteous thoughts every hour on the hour. Many people were attracted by our beautiful music, "Pu Du" and "Ji Shi." People came to learn the facts of Falun Dafa. One young man had just read Zhuan Falun after meeting another local practitioner one week ago. He was very happy to find us at this event, and he learned the exercises on the spot. After hearing my introduction, a middle aged man told me that he needs this type of practice in his life. A young fellow who learned the truth of Falun Dafa at a local event last year invited me to give a seminar at an upcoming concert he was organizing for April 25th. He said that the audience would be young people who truly need the guidance of Falun Dafa. He asked that I bring all my materials and introductory movies, and talk to them. I will surely love to do that on April 25th, such a meaningful day, when ten thousand Falun Dafa practitioners appealed peacefully in front of the Chinese government compound 4 years ago.
The booth next to us was hosted by a children's museum, and there was always a line of kids waiting to make Easter hats. I was standing by our booth while a fellow practitioner was demonstrating the exercises. A cute little girl about 3 years old pulled her Mom out of the hat line towards our booth. The mother could not understand her, and kept asking, "Why do you want to go over there?" The little one did not answer, but kept pulling her mother firmly toward our table. I quickly dug out a Pudu/Jishi music CD, and handed it to her, "Would you like to have a CD with beautiful music?" She took the CD, held it close to her heart, and smiled so sweetly. The mother said thank you, and suggested to her daughter, "We can listen to it in our car." Her daughter nodded. I know that soon her mother will solve the puzzle of her daughter's "strange behavior" when she hears the music, and witnesses the Fa-rectifying the human world. Another little boy, about 5 years old, stood next to a practitioner who was demonstrating the second exercise, imitating the practitioner's exercise movements. He bent his body, looking closely to make sure that he did the Jie-yin (conjoin the hands) correctly. I turned around, and helped the little boy. We then went through the entire third exercise together. Although he could not help giggling once in a while, he did the whole exercise correctly. He was so happy!
There are not many Falun Dafa practitioners in the Inland Northwest area where Spokane is located, but we are doing what Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples should do. Besides studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth, we practice outside in the park regularly, and use all opportunities to spread Dafa, and form predestined relationships with sentient beings.
Category: Parades & Other Community Events