
Practitioners Exchange Insights

The following is an excerpt from the article "Study the Fa, Walk Our Paths Righteously, Clarify the Truth to Family Members."

Master told us repeatedly to study the Fa, study the Fa, and study the Fa. I enlightened deeply that only when we study the Fa will all the negative, attachment-formed matter become less. This will allow us to be calm and rational when facing problems and see the truth in the Fa. The persecution from the old forces towards Dafa disciples is coming from all directions, including tribulations from friends and family. I think we should first clarify the truth to our friends and family, win their understanding and support, and harmonize with everything. This will give us better conditions to validate the Fa, and then we can more effectively eliminate the outer persecution that the state mechanism has forced upon us.

Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

The following is an excerpt from the article "Negate the Persecution in Brainwashing Class with Righteous Thoughts, Clarify the Truth Face to Face."

On July 30, 2002, I was transferred to a brainwashing class after police detained me for two months. Fellow practitioners and I enlightened that we should not cooperate with any of the evil's requests, and that we should clarify the truth to the people working in the brainwashing class and the police. Once, the head of a "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] and several others came to talk to us. Fellow practitioners all sent forth righteous thoughts together while clarifying the truth face to face with them. The head officer from the "610 Office" used all his might, but could not make us give up our faith. Later, fellow practitioners all started having "sicknesses." They had to release us one by one. They turned their attention on me, and called my employer, my friends and family to come force me to write guarantee statements. I did not cooperate with them one bit. I held a strong righteous thought in my heart, "I must leave here and go validate Dafa." I recited Master's Fa-rectification verses quietly. Twenty minutes later, I started to feel physically ill. That head officer from the "610 Office" notified my husband to take me home. They planned to have a three-month-long brainwashing class, but it fell apart in less than fifty days.

News and Activities Around the World

Report by the Central News Agency: The "Basic Law of Human Rights (Draft)," which is being compiled by the Human Rights Consultation Group of the President's Office in Taiwan, is expected to finish at the end of June. The final draft will be completed by the Executive Yuan of Taiwan in July or August and then sent to the Legislative Yuan for approval. This "Basic Law of Human Rights" references three major legal acts, which include the United Nation's "Human Rights Declaration," the "Regional Human Rights Declaration," and the Constitutions of some advanced countries.

News from China

On March 17, 2003, Sun Zhigang, an Art Designer in Guangzhou went out, but forgot to bring his Temporary Resident ID in Guangzhou City, and was illegally held by the police in the Dongpuhuangcunjie Station of Guangzhou City. He was brutally beaten and died as a result of the beating. Commenting on this incident, Officer Xie Zhitang of the Civil Affairs Office in Guangzhou City Government said repeatedly, "I have 99.8% confidence that our police do not beat people when they arrest them." This is exactly like how the former Health Administer Zhang Wenkang lied about SARS. The cruel persecution towards Falun Dafa, the lies about the SARS epidemic, and the hiding of Sun Zhigang's brutal death, all these cold facts and bloody lessons should make people wake up. The long-term brainwashing by shameful lies has made us numb and cold in our hearts, and our coldness towards other's suffering has nurtured the evil, making it stronger. The tortures used on others might not only be used on us, but can also appear right in front of our eyes, right now! My elders in China, hurry up and wake up!