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Persecution Cases of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Yingcheng City, Hubei Province

May 18, 2003


Falun Dafa practitioner Yan Sanming, 46, is a retired employee of the Dongmafang 9047 Factory of Yingcheng City, Hubei Province. He was arrested and brought to the Dongmafang Police Substation on June 13, 2001. The police there beat his head and body with an electric baton. Bruises and cuts covered his head and all over his body. Since he refused to give up his belief, he was illegally detained in the Yingcheng City First Detention Center for a long time. Later, he held a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The police released him when he was on the verge of death. After he went back home, before he completely recovered from the damage inflicted by the last detention, police arrested him and brought him back to the detention center again. In the detention center, he held another hunger strike, and again he was released after his health deteriorated dangerously. However, not long after he was released, the police arrested him one more time, brought him to the court, and secretly sentenced him to three years of jail. Now he is being illegally detained in the Shayang Fanjiatai Jail.

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Ping, 41, is an employee of the Shuanghuan Chemical Industry Corporation of Yingcheng City, Hubei Province. On June 14, 2001, police from the Yingcheng City Dongmafang Police Substation illegally ransacked her home and took her to the police substation. They also confiscated her computer, which was worth over 10,000 Yuan.* Because she refused to cooperate, the police beat her up for an entire night. During that night, the police beat her with an electric baton. Her head became swollen, and her arm had a six-inch cut. Even though her body was covered with injuries, the police still sent her to the Yingcheng City First Detention Center. The detention center was afraid to take responsibility and refused to take her, so the police had to send her to the police hospital for treatment. After a week, her body was just starting to recover, but the police immediately sent her to the Yingcheng City First Detention Center. She refused to give up her belief and held a hunger strike to protest. Later she was secretly sentenced to seven years in prison. Now she's being detained in the Wuhan City Women's Prison.

List of the persecutors:

The Yingcheng City Political Security Section: Nie Meshan, Zhou Tao, He Jianshe

The Dongmafang Police Substation: Xu Guohua

Police in charge of Dongmafang: Zhu Jidong, Ai Yu

The Dongmafang "610 Office": Ai Daxin

*Yuan is the Chinese currency. The average monthly salary for an urban worker in China is approximately 500 Yuan.