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The Heavenly Principles are Just, The Vicious Suffer Karmic Retribution

May 18, 2003


Editors' Note: Each time we publish news of this nature, we do so with heavy hearts. These people started off as public servants, but under the intense pressure applied by the Jiang regime, they were pushed into persecuting Dafa disciples. In the process of destroying the lives of kind, law-abiding citizens, they have sealed their own fates and inevitably faced karmic retribution as punishment. If it weren't for Jiang's wicked orders, perhaps their fates would have been different.)

The Truth is in people's hearts: the Heavenly Principles are just; the vicious people receive karmic retribution

Ren Wei, Vice Political Chief of Huaiyang County Police Department of Henan Province, was keen on arresting Falun Gong practitioners, and was very brutal to them. Because he had committed so many bad deeds, he was arrested several months ago. He is imprisoned under the charge of embezzlement, bribery and buying the services of prostitutes, and is going to trial soon. Now he is beaten by prisoners daily. The local people talk privately, "The Heavenly Principles are just; the vicious are suffering karmic retribution."

Vice Chief of Yingkou City Bayuquan District Port Police Department of Liaoning Province Suffers Retribution

Leng Changqing, Vice Chief of Yingkou City Bayuquan District Port Police Department of Liaoning Province, who was in charge of persecuting Falun Gong and working for Jiang's political scoundrel group, had sent Dafa practitioner Su Xiaohong to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for one year of forced labor in 2001, had deceived and sent Dafa practitioner Kang Yuzhi to Masanjia for two years of forced labor in mid-January of 2001, and had sent several Dafa practitioners to Yingkou City brainwashing center in September 2002. On May 1st, 2003, he suffered karmic retribution when his home caught on fire and most of his property was burned up.