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Solemn Declarations by Non-Practitioners

May 3, 2003



I am an elementary school pupil. Under pressure from Jiang's regime my school collected signatures for a petition against Dafa. I signed my name unwillingly under my teacher's close watch. I now declare that my signature is null and void. Please allow me to exclaim from the bottom of my heart, "Falun Dafa is Great!"

Cai Meng

April 14, 2003


Solemn Declaration

My school officials do not let us believe in Falun Dafa, and they forced us to sign our names. Now I declare my signature is null and void. I believe Falun Dafa is teaching people to be good.

Yang Hang

April 15, 2003


Solemn Declaration

My husband is a Falun Dafa practitioner. After he returned from a trip to Beijing to appeal in 2000, I could not understand his action, and my mind was not clear. When he was not at home, I burnt several Dafa Books. Because my husband and other Falun Dafa practitioners have clarified the truth to me, I understand Falun Dafa is righteous, and that Master has come to save people. I was wrong. I will never again do such an unworthy thing to Dafa. I support my husband in his efforts to learn Dafa, practice the exercises, and clarify the truth. At the same time, I want to help do Dafa work and make up for the mistake I made.

Ge Lirong

April 18, 2003


Solemn Declaration

I am the husband of a Falun Dafa practitioner. While the 16th Congress was meeting, under the evil persecution, I did something shameful to Dafa--I wrote a "guarantee" for my wife. I declare it is null and void.

Xing Beicheng

March 20, 2003


Solemn Declaration

I am the husband of a Falun Dafa practitioner. While the 16th Congress was in session, and under great pressure, I did something shameful to Dafa--I wrote a "guarantee" for my wife. I declare it to be null and void.

Li Wenchen

March 20, 2003
