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Austrian News Report: "My Husband Was Tortured to Death"

May 3, 2003


April 24th

Ms. Dai Zhizhen held back the tears while narrating her story: "They arrested him, tortured him with electric batons, sent him to re-education classes [brainwashing classes] and then beat him until he died." By "he", Ms. Dai means her husband, whereas "they" refers to the Chinese police.

This Chinese lady, aged about 40, is an Australian citizen who began her difficult journey in 1999, when her family spoke out for Falun Gong. The spiritual movement had previously been [practised] in China for a long time before being banned by Jiang Zemin and the Chinese leaders.

"We had been to China several times, and my husband appealed for Falun Gong," said Ms. Dai Zhizhen. Her husband was arrested and badly beaten many times but he was always eventually released, until one day he did not come back. "Those days were hard for me because I was pregnant. I could not get any information about him, and had no idea where he was being detained."

Several months later, in the summer of 2001, Ms. Dai received brief notification of her husband's death. Through the efforts of the Australian government, Beijing sent a box containing her husband's ashes to Sydney. All of her family in China practise Falun Gong and they have all lost their jobs. Some have even had their belongings and property confiscated. Ms. Dai's sister-in-law has been arrested many times and was tortured so brutally that she suffered a mental collapse. Her father-in-law also passed away due to the continued stress.
