Today’s Articles
June 21, 2003
About Dafa
- 630 Days and Nights of 24 hour Peaceful Appeal in Front of the Chinese Consulate
- Sudden Death of Three Falun Gong Practitioners in the Shibalihe Labor Camp in Zhengzhou City (Photo)
- Chongqing University Removed and Changed Specific Information in Its Website To Conceal Rape Case (Photos)
- Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp in Jilin Province: Police Maim Falun Gong Practitioners and Torture them to Death
- The Persecution of Mr. Yang Jitang and Son, Yang Bo, in Hulunbei'er City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
- Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Jin Xuezhe of Changchun City, Jilin Province Sent to Tiexi Detention Center
- 610 Office and Police Arrest Dafa Practitioners in Huaihua City, Hunan Province
- Denmark: Practitioners Appeal at the Chinese Embassy to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang and to Call for the Immediate Release of Charles Li
- Switzerland: Publicizing the Lawsuit against Jiang During the Five-Continent Festival in the City of Martigny
- With hope for the Icelandic Government to Uphold Principles Falun Gong Practitioners File Ombudsman Complaint to Mark the Anniversary of the Unjust Ban
- All Democratic Members Absent at Recent Hong Kong Bills Committee Meeting
- Germany: A Small Town Arouses the Chinese Embassy's Special Attention (Photos)
- Paris, France: New Practitioners at the Eiffel Tower Falun Dafa Introduction Site (Photos)
- Remembering Falun Dafa Disciple Li Zhongmin
- Teacher Will Take Care of You As Long As You Want to Practice Falun Gong and Have Righteous Thoughts
- "Letters to Editors" - An Effective And Feasible Way to Quickly and Completely Clarify the Truth Overseas
- A Detention Center Policewoman Becomes a Real Falun Dafa Practitioner
- Predestined Relationship
- A 70-Year-Old Man Unexpectedly Finds A Way Out of A Desperate Situation
- Senate of Hawaii Honors Li Hongzhi and Recognizes and Commends the Hawaii Practitioners of Falun Dafa [May 13, 2003]
- Kind-hearted Web Chat Pal: "Even If I Risk Being Caught, I Will Post This Article to the Website"
- Pantagraph (Central Illinois): Two travel far to help free jailed Falun Gong [practitioner]
- WHOI (ABC 19, Illinois): Protesters Work To Free U of I [University of Illinois] Grad
- The Daily Journal (Illinois): Group defends doctor imprisoned in China
- Latest News from China - 6/12/2003
- 56 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void
- Solemn Announcements by Young Dafa Practitioners
- Summary of Other Articles and News -- 6/17/2003