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Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Ewenke Qi of Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia

June 23, 2003


Ewenke Qi of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is a remote and undeveloped area. Falun Gong practitioners there are mostly housewives who are self-employed, hard working people. Since July 20, 1999, their peaceful lives have been interrupted and replaced by never-ending harassment and persecution by the police.

At the end of 2000, six practitioners including Sun Shuying (female), Liu Yuhua (female), Li Deping (female), and others, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. All were illegally detained and escorted back to Inner Mongolia by the local police. Upon their return, they were thrown into prisons.

Among these six practitioners, Sun Shuying was the oldest, more than 60 years old. Before practicing Falun Gong, she had had all kinds of illnesses. After she started to practice Falun Gong in 1998, she miraculously recovered. Since then, she hasn't needed any medication . It was "Zhen-Shan-Ren" that enlightened her heart. In 2002, before the 16th Congress of China's ruling Party, she and other fellow practitioners were all thrown into detention again under the fabricated charge of "destroying public facilities."

Practitioner Li Deping was making a living by running a tofu manufacturing business. After police agents extorted 1000 Yuan from her for "bail", she was thrown into jail again. During her detention, authorities again extorted money from her for food. The police would not even leave a jobless elderly women alone.

Whenever holidays or "sensitive days" came around, the local police would illegally detain all local practitioners and force them to "study, and be tranformed." The practitioners were deprived of basic human rights, persecuted and limited in freedom.