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The Facts of How the Police in Weiyuan County, Sichuan Province Persecute Dafa Practitioners

June 28, 2003


(Clearwisdom.net) Late at night on May 28th, 2002, the Weiyuan County Police Station of Sichuan Province dispatched a few dozen officers to break into and ransack the homes of Falun Gong practitioners Xie Bingyu, Zeng Hong, Wu Xia and four others. These practitioners live in No.10 community in the county and No.5 group in Sanhe Village on the outskirts of the city. When the police found Dafa books in their homes, they kidnapped them to the detention center right away. The police didn't follow any legal procedures (such as a detention certificate and arrest certificate). Seven practitioners are under illegal detention, except for Li Depei, who was released to take care of his baby. The rest are Xie Bingyu, Zeng Hong, Cao Youmei, Liu Cuirong, Wang Shichao, and Wuxia, who have been illegally detained for a long time.

At the end of April 2003, under strong protest from Zeng Hong's family members and his local villagers, the police had to release him and five other people, but they used his relatives as a guarantee. They still didn't go through any legal procedures (such as releasing certificates), which means the police can arrest, detain or release people at will. The five were illegally detained for over 11 months, while female practitioner Xie Yubing, who is over 20 years old, has been illegally detained for over one year and still has not been released.

After five practitioners came back home, the county national security team continued harassing them. On the night of June 2nd, Dafa practitioner Cao Youmei was taken away for no reason, and he still hasn't been found.

We strongly appeal to international human rights organizations to carry out an investigation into these serious violations of human rights, and unconditionally release Xie Yubing, who has been illegally detained for over a year and Cao Youmei, who has disappeared, and we urge the relevant justice and legal departments to hold the police of Weiyuan County Police Station accountable for the criminal acts they have committed, and guarantee that these kinds of vicious events will not happen again in the future.