A Falun Gong Practitioner's Compassion Changes Her Environment
June 7, 2003
By Wu Wo, a Falun Gong Practitioner in China
(Clearwisdom.net) A fellow practitioner was illegally detained several times after going
to Beijing to validate the Fa. Following her arrest, she was unlawfully sentenced to one year of
"re-education" through labor. However, four months later she left the forced labor camp
openly and with dignity. During the past four years' persecution of Falun Gong, she used every
opportunity to validate the Fa. She kindly tells the truth of Falun Gong to everyone she meets who
has a predestined relationship with Dafa. That has made the environment around her change
- When she returned home from the labor camp, she went back to work. She told her superiors and
colleagues at work about her experiences in the labor camp in a kind voice. She further told them
about the heavenly law that evil will be rewarded with evil, and that to treat Dafa and Dafa
practitioners well is to assure one's good future. Since she is a model worker in her unit and her
work has won the praise of her supervisors and colleagues, they all acknowledged her to be a
qualified Dafa practitioner. They told her, "Although we cannot start practicing Dafa right
now, we have all recognized Truth, Compassion and Tolerance in your behavior." Whenever the
authorities harass her work unit about making her sign a "guarantee form," her supervisors
and colleagues protect her and help her to resist them. Due to this environment, even under the
hostile circumstances in China, she can still openly practice Falun Gong. In addition to doing her
work well, she utilizes every opportunity to tell the truth to people around her and save sentient
beings. Everyone who has come in contact with her can sense to different degrees, how the
"Buddha-light illuminates everywhere and rectifies all abnormalities."
- Once, a young policeman in charge of her district paid a special visit to the practitioner. The
practitioner often told the police the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution Dafa practitioners
have experienced. She also told the police that Falun Dafa is the Law of the universe, that Teacher
Li Hongzhi came to the world to save sentient beings by way of the righteous Law, that they were
among those deceived by Jiang's political gang of scoundrels, that Dafa has been spread to over 60
countries, that Jiang and his followers utilize lies to deceive people and to persecute Falun Gong,
and that Jiang's true purpose is to ruin human beings. She also sincerely told the policeman:
"It was predestined that you and I could meet and get to know each other. My advice to you is
that you shouldn't use the declining moral standards to measure yourself. Instead, you should become
a truly good person who lives in accordance with the standards of the universe, which will ensure a
bright future for you." The young policeman was deeply moved. From then on, he often discussed
the meaning of life with the practitioner.
Once, the policeman came to this practitioner's place and said, "There is no specific reason
for my visit other than I've been asked to watch you. I know you are a good person and you can just
assume that I'm paying you a social visit." To the practitioner's delight, he added: "You
have helped me to get rid of many bad habits I had acquired by living within society. For example,
every time when I felt the urge to curse, I thought of your words and felt embarrassed. Now, I also
no longer beat people and I behave in a more civilized manner. This time when I came to see you, I
even left my police jacket in the car because I thought that this way I would be more worthy of
talking with a true Falun Gong practitioner. Considering the current conditions in China, I feel
that this is one way to show my respect for you!"
May 22, 2003