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Latest News from China - 07/13/2003

July 25, 2003


  • [Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ma Xujue and Many Other Practitioners Have Been Illegally Sentenced
  • [Wuhan, Hubei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Shi Lei and Li Guohua Have Been Secretly and Illegally Sentenced
  • [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Please Be Aware of Surveillance Cars
  • [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Shang Songlin Is Illegally Arrested by Officers at the Guilin Street Police Station and Sent to Masanjia Labor Camp
  • [Sanhe, Hebei Province] "610 Office" Offers Large Reward for the Arrest of Falun Dafa Practitioners Xin Baodong and His Wife Gao Shuying
  • [Guangdong Province] Brainwashing Centers Reward People Who Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
  • [Guangzhou, Guangdong Province] Many Practitioners Have Been Illegally Arrested
  • [China] Practitioners Use Their Righteous Thoughts and Actions to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang
  • [China] The Public Security Bureau Has Ordered Many Spies to Infiltrate Amongst Falun Dafa Practitioners
  • [Luoding, Guangdong Province] Another Falun Dafa Practitioner Has Been Illegally Arrested
  • [Benxi, Liaoning Province] Police and the "610 Office" Jointly Organize Extended Brainwashing Sessions to Persecute Practitioners
  • [Yi County, Liaoning Province] Detention Center Illegally Detains More Than Forty Practitioners
  • [Yongxing County, Hunan Province] Thirteen Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Unlawfully Arrested by Anren County Police
  • [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Retired Engineer Ms. Wang Suyun Is Illegally Arrested
  • [Yingkou, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Liu Laibin Is Illegally Arrested by Desheng Police

1. [Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ma Xujue and Many Other Practitioners Have Been Illegally Sentenced

News has been received recently that many practitioners in Jiamusi City have been secretly and illegally sentenced. These include:

Mr. Ma Xujun, sentenced to 12 years
Mr. Zhang Puhe, sentenced to 12 years
Mr. Sun Dianshan, sentenced to 7 years
Ms. Zhang Baoying, sentenced to 5 years

We now know that the Jiamusi Jail currently has more than 40 Falun Dafa practitioners illegally imprisoned there.

2. [Wuhan, Hubei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Shi Lei and Li Guohua Have Been Secretly and Illegally Sentenced

On the morning of July 11, 2003, without notifying their relatives or following proper legal procedures, practitioners Shi Lei, Li Guohua, and Du (whose full name is not known) were secretly and illegally sentenced to 11 years, 7 years, and 5 years, respectively. The only people present at the hearing were personnel from the "610 Office"* and the police.

Wuhan City "610 Office" telephone numbers:

Wuhan City Court: 86-27-85709133, extension number 43.

* "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

3. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Please Be Aware of Surveillance Cars

Surveillance cameras have been discovered in Dalian City, and those practitioners who were targeted said: Without taking any precautions while using a laser printer, a suspicious car was seen nearby which is dark green in color and is slightly larger than a small van. The car model is unusual and there is an antenna on the roof on the driver's side. The glass is darkly tinted and you cannot see inside. This car was moving slowly around the location of the printing and it stopped for long periods of time. For those practitioners who use laser printers and photocopiers at home to print materials, please use protective measures, and do not overlook safety, so that the evil cannot take advantage of us.

4. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Shang Songlin Is Illegally Arrested by Officers at the Guilin Street Police Station and Sent to Masanjia Labor Camp

At around 5 p.m. on May 13, 2003, Mr. Shang Songlin was reported for distributing truth-clarifying materials. An officer with the surname of Zhou from the Guilin Street Police Station in Zhongshan District, Dalian City, illegally arrested him. After he was illegally jailed for one month at the Taojia Detention Center, he was sent to Masanjia Labor Camp for further torture.

Guilin Street Police Station: 86-411-2714890

5. [Sanhe, Hebei Province] "610 Office" Offers Large Reward for the Arrest of Falun Dafa Practitioners Xin Baodong and His Wife Gao Shuying

The Sanhe City "610 Office" issued a notice to all counties that they will offer a reward of 15,000 Yuan* for the illegal arrest of Falun Dafa practitioners Xin Baodong and his wife Gao Shuying. Currently, all villages, counties, and neighborhood watch committees have received the notice along with the practitioners' photos. Police from all village and county police stations are using the excuse of searching for these two practitioners to harass other practitioners in their homes.

* Yuan is the Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.

6. [Guangdong Province] Brainwashing Centers Reward People Who Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners

Inside information from the so-called "Law Re-enforcement Education School" in Guangdong (it is actually a brainwashing center) states that if an officer manages to force a Falun Dafa practitioner to give up his/her belief they will receive a 15,000 Yuan reward. Therefore, authorities from the brainwashing center use the following methods to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners: (1) Hitting and punching practitioners; (2) Handcuffing practitioners; (3) Forbidding practitioners from using the toilet or taking a shower; (4) Depriving them of sleep for many days and nights; (5) Detaining practitioners in small cells; (6) Forcing practitioners to sit or step on Teacher's photo.

Names of the people responsible for instigating the torture:

Principal: Wen Ruxiong
Assistants: Zhang Chongyun, He Wenyao, Li Jinjiang
Those who beat practitioners: Wu Jiayu, Yang Hui, Liu Bai
Security guards: Deng Guowei, Wu Ronghua

7. [Guangzhou, Guangdong Province] Many Practitioners Have Been Illegally Arrested

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Shi from Baoyuanzhongyue in Liwan District, Guangzhou, was illegally arrested at her home at the beginning of June. When they arrested her, the police said, "Don't think we don't know what you are doing. We have had you under surveillance for more than a year." They also took her phone book.

Ms. Li Lijuan, previously a doctor from the Guangdong Province Pharmacy School, was illegally arrested in June and taken to the Haizhu District Brainwashing Center.

Ms. Yu Aihua, previously a head nurse from the Guangdong Province Pharmacy School, was illegally arrested in June and taken to the Sanshui Brainwashing Center.

Mr. Lu, who was born in Yunan and works in Guangzhou, was illegally arrested in his home last June by police from Guangzhou and Yunan. They also illegally searched his house.

8. [China] Practitioners Use Their Righteous Thoughts and Actions to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang

On June 11 and 19, practitioners from a certain city hung up three nine-meter long banners. One had the words, "Falun Dafa is Good, the Whole World Knows, the Whole World is Sentencing Jiang Zemin." The other two read, "Court of Justice, Court of Conscience, Court of Humanity. Global Suing of Jiang Zemin." This has greatly shocked the evil beings.

9. [China] The Public Security Bureau Has Ordered Many Spies to Infiltrate Amongst Falun Dafa Practitioners

According to reliable sources, the Public Security Bureau has ordered many spies to infiltrate among Falun Dafa practitioners with the primary goal being to destroy material and Internet sites.

10. [Luoding, Guangdong Province] Another Falun Dafa Practitioner Has Been Illegally Arrested

On July 1, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhong Wulian, from Luojing Town in Luoding City, was arrested at his home with his six-year-old child. They have been transferred out of the Luoding City Police Station and their whereabouts are unknown.

People responsible for the persecution:

Political Protection Unit, Tan Baiyong: 86-766-3731345 (note: this person has previously sent more than ten practitioners to the Sanshui City Labor Camp in Guangdong Province to be further persecuted. He also sent more than ten practitioners to the Yunfu City Brainwashing Center in Guangdong Province)

11. [Benxi, Liaoning Province] Police and the "610 Office" Jointly Organize Extended Brainwashing Sessions to Persecute Practitioners

For a long time, the Benxi City Police and "610 Office" have jointly organized brainwashing sessions inside the Weiningying Forced Labor Camp. They indiscriminately arrest practitioners from the village, and take them to the city for brainwashing. Each session runs for 15 to 30 days. Police officers used more than ten "collaborators,"* including Li Yuehua, Fu Yuzhen, Liang Jieming, Xu Qiuli, and Shen Wei, to threaten and torture practitioners, as well as slander and insult our Teacher.

Since July 20, evil people have been organizing brainwashing sessions in the Xu District to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. Currently, practitioners Zhu Xiuming and her husband have been illegally arrested. When the police knocked on the door, Zhu Xiuming and her husband would not open it, so the police broke through a roof window of the restaurant on the second floor and unlawfully arrested the couple.

* Collaborators are former Falun Gong practitioners who have turned against Dafa due to brainwashing and torture.

12. [Yi County, Liaoning Province] Detention Center Illegally Detains More Than Forty Practitioners

Falun Dafa practitioner Zhao Guoliang and his wife from Weidun District of Yi County, were illegally arrested and their home was unlawfully searched twice. There are more than 40 practitioners being illegally detained at the Yi County Detention Center.

13. [Yongxing County, Hunan Province] Thirteen Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Unlawfully Arrested by Anren County Police

On April 19, 2003, Anren County Police Chief Dun Guangtan led police officers to Yongxing County and illegally arrested thirteen Falun Dafa practitioners and five non-practitioners. The reason they were caught is that some practitioners too easily trusted people who eventually deceived them, and were not cautious about being followed by secret agents. They were thus arrested, and are now jailed at the Anren County Detention Center. Currently, there are still eight practitioners jailed at Anren: Chen Zhili, Xu Yunyan, He Yingchun, Chen Yiyuan, Cao Nengying, Cao Nengfang, Li Liumei, and Fan Xiaoguang (pronunciation only).

We have heard that due to this, the Provincial Police Department "congratulated" the Anren police by telegraph.

14. [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Retired Engineer Ms. Wang Suyun Is Illegally Arrested

On July 11, 67-year-old retired engineer Ms. Wang Suyun was illegally arrested by police at the market where she was receiving some truth-clarification materials. Her home was then searched, and all the truth-clarification materials were confiscated. She is currently being held at the local detention center (the exact location is not clear and her health situation is not known). Her relatives are not allowed to visit.

15. [Yingkou, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Liu Laibin Is Illegally Arrested by Desheng Police

Near the end of June 2003, Mr. Liu Laibin was illegally arrested by officers from the Desheng Police Station. The exact reason given for his arrest is unknown. Afterwards, police illegally searched his house and confiscated many Falun Dafa materials and other things. Information sources indicate that Liu may have been unlawfully sentenced.

Related telephone numbers:
Desheng Police Station Police Chief office number: 86-417-4820192
Dongfeng Police Station Police Chief Wei Qian, mobile: 86-13332310222
Liu Yingchao, mobile: 86-13352316000
Office telephone: 86-417-3537929
Security Department office number: 86-417-2838326

July 12, 2003