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Examples of Retribution to Persecutors of Falun Gong

July 25, 2003


1. The head of the "610 Office" and the local national security group died on the job in Shifang City, Deyang District, Sichuan Province.

Wei Xianjin, the head of the "610 Office" and Ma Xiangyun, the political instructor of the national security group were perpetrators that persecuted Falun Gong practitioners in Shifang City, Deyang District, Sichuan Province. Both of them were killed in traffic accidents.

Wei Xianjin illegally arrested, beat and fined local people who practiced Falun Gong and ransacked their houses. In addition, under his command, other officials burned confiscated Falun Gong books, Teacher's images and other Falun Gong materials. Due to his "contribution" in the persecution against Falun Gong, Wei was promoted to the position of Party secretary in Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province. No sooner did he assume office than he was killed in an accident in which his car got tipped over in December 2001.

Ma Xiangyun is the political instructor of the city national security group. He illegally sought out and arrested Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners told him the facts about Falun Dafa many times. However, he not only refused to listen to the truth and but also had a deep animosity for practitioners. In May 2002, Ma was killed in a similar car accident.

2. Thirty-two year-old policeman died of sudden heart attack

Zhang Zhifeng, a policeman at Chengnan Police Station, Huachuan County, Heilongjiang Province, illegally arrested Falun Gong practitioners and searched their houses on different occasions. By the end of 2002, Zhang died of a sudden heart attack when he was only thirty-two years old.

3. The principal of the first primary school suffers from foul disease in Babaishang District, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province

Su Huajun is the principal of the first primary school, which is affiliated to the training center of the Daqing Oil Bureau in Babaishang District, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. Since July 20, 1999, as an accomplice of the local "610 Office" and the police station in persecution of the Falun Gong practitioners in the school, he made a teacher be sentenced to three years in jail and dismissed another one. In addition, he forced over one thousand teachers and pupils to sign their names onto posters slandering Falun Dafa. Su now suffers from diabetes and back disease.

Su Huajun's phone number: 86-459-4891188 (home)

4. Two political security policemen meet with retribution

Feng Hongwei is a policeman at the political security section of the Tangyuan County Police Department in Heilongjiang Province. Following the instructions from Jiang's regime, he framed, trapped, slandered, arrested and harassed Falun Gong practitioners and searched their houses. He has now suffered in hospital for months with a kidney stone.

Policeman Xu Qing fiercely persecuted Falun Gong practitioners when he held a position in the political security section of the police department. He suffered from a throat tumor at the beginning of 2002. One year after the surgery, he suffers from dysphonia again and has to undergo further surgery.

5. Party vice secretary died of cerebral hemorrhage in Yangzhuang village, Sanhe City, Hebei Province

Tao Degui is the vice secretary of the CCP in Yangzhuang village, Sanhe City, Hebei Province. He led the police to arrest people who practiced Falun Gong and extorted the victims' money many times. In December 2002, he suffered from a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and died one month later.