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The Facts about "Civilized Reform" at the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp

July 25, 2003

By a practitioner from Hebei province


Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Hebei Province, headed by Yang Zemin, was "awarded" as "The civilized forced labor camp of the nation" because of its so-called "reform rate." This is how Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp conducted brainwashing on Falun Gong practitioners.

1. Atrocious Persecution

Under the direction of Yang Zemin, the prison guards in the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp conducted inhuman persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. They usually forced Falun Gong practitioners to remain in a squatting position for long periods of time, up to 72 hours, forcing their arms into an outstretched position with handcuffs and not allowing them to wear socks or shoes. They would shock Falun Gong practitioners with electric batons, even if they moved their bottoms downward a little bit. Meanwhile, a group of prison guards would come in together to frantically beat and kick Falun Gong practitioners, usually to point of that their faces were bruised and swollen beyond recognition. The main persecutors are prison guard Mali, prison doctor Wang (who was promoted to the head of medium section), Warden Hu who heads the main section, director Duan, Director Li, and the driver Fang .

2. Brutal Torture

In order to achieve a high "reform rate," the prison guards brutally and inhumanly torture Falun Gong practitioners. For example, they force fed a Falun Gong practitioner with excrement who had been on a hunger strike for more than twenty days and was very weak. This gave the practitioner a stomach infection, a high fever of 102.2 to 104 o F (39 to 40 o C), blood pressure of 50-70, and caused her to be on verge of death. Furthermore, they stripped the dignity from those Falun Gong practitioners who steadfastly refused to comply, hacking off their hair, beating and kicking them, and slapping their faces. During the winter, they forced practitioners outside at midnight and left them exposed for the night. They even buried them up to their necks in pits and then covered their heads with piles of cotton to make it more difficult for them to breathe.

While the 16th Congress was in session, the prison guards used the torture technique of "a half squat for an extended time" to torture Ms. Cui Xiuzhen, who was over 60. When they still could not get her to give up her steadfast belief in Dafa, they directed the prostitutes and drug addict prisoners to use their long nails to pinch her all over her thighs, rib cage, and breasts. When she still refused to give in, they shocked her with electric batons on her legs, feet, nose, mouth, ears, back, neck, and other parts of her body, causing blisters to form all over her body. Then the prison guards beat her, which broke all those new blisters. The sight was too too horrible to look at. Seeing that Ms Cui was so steadfast, they put iron nails between her toes and then shocked her feet with electric batons, cut the sole of her feet with a nail, and beat the top of her feet with wet willow sticks, which made her feet swell as large as a loaf of bread. They covered her body with baked pepper powder concentrating on her mouth, nose and eyes, and other parts of her face,. Consequently, her mouth and nose bled black blood. The area around her eyes turned red, swelled shut, and she could not see clearly for a long time. They forced Ms. Cui to sit on ice during the very cold winter, forcefully buried her in the snow, and force her face into excrement. The list of atrocities goes on and on.

The following is a list of known names of Falun Gong practitioners who were tortured by the prison guards:

Ms An Bingyu, over fifty, a Falun Gong practitioner from Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, was shocked with electric batons and beaten many times. She consequently lost her memory.

Ms Li Ruiyun, over fifty, is from Chengde city. She was tortured between eight and nine days, and afterward, she could not move from the bed.

Ms Cui Xiuzhen, over sixty, is from Shenze county, Shijiazhuang city, Hebei province. She was tortured several times, leaving her incapable of getting out of bed for several months. She was shocked, beaten, humiliated, and force-fed with excrement nine times during a thirty-day period. She was tortured sometimes for an entire night. Her weight dropped to 100 lbs.

Ms. Liu Haiqin, about forty, was the deputy chief of the Finance Bureau in Handan City, Hebei province. She was kept in the "half squat for an extended time" position until she became incapacitated.

3. Ignoring Appeal, all Level of Government and Journalism Spread Massive Lies

Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp was awarded the title of "the number one civilized forced labor camp nationwide" because of its persecution of Falun Gong. The Jurisdiction Department and the 610 Office of Hebei province often visited it. [The 610 Office is an agency specifically created to persecuteáFalun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.] Journalists from the CCTV program "Focus" interviewed and videotaped the prison many times to make deceptive programs. The journalists did not dare not to face the truth when Falun Gong practitioners exposed the facts about the persecution to them. They insisted on creating lies to spread to people all over the world via TV and propagating lies touting the so-called "civilized reform, educated reform" of Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp. All other forced labor camps in Hebei province sent steadfast Falun Gong practitioners here to be "reformed" through torture, torture, and more torture.

The following is a list of prison guards in Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp:

Yang Zemin, the head of the main section
Ma Li, the head of the female medium section
Ye, the head of the female medium section
Liu Huili, a prison guard
Prison Doctor Wei
Prison Doctor Wang (who had been promoted to the head of medium section)
Hu, the head of main section
Li, an instructor
Duan, an instructor
Zhang Yanyan, a prison guard
Zhao Erhong, a prison guard